Chapter Five

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"PST! PST! Hey!" Fae lifted her head from the bed she was sleeping on. Her brothers and sisters were still asleep. She didn't know how they could be such sound sleepers. She peeked out the window, looking at the Umbreon waving at her.

It has been several weeks since the incident, and things have been going better than they were when Eon arrived.

Izar has been more welcoming towards Eon, though she still is skeptical about letting him inside. She claims he will take Fae away from her when her back's turned. That hasn't happened yet.

Ezekiel and the rest of the family act as if Eon never left, and treated him as if he had always been there; they joked along with him and just had a great time with him overall. They did, however, do a DNA test to Izar's suggestion, so they could see for sure if they were related. Eon was in fact her brother.

She scrambled to her feet, pausing when her feet dipped down on the bed. It was hard to balance on top of the bed; it would be even more so difficult to go the window and talk to her brother as she was pretty shy around him. She found it hard to talk to her own brother.

Her face contorted. I am determined! I'll let him speak. There's nothing to be afraid of.

Yet, her mother's words echoed in her head: 'He is tricking you. There are predators out there everywhere! Be sure you don't let him take advantage of you!'

She nodded as a silent response to the memory. She would allow him the chance. If she showed she trusted him fully, then surely her mom would, right?

She found herself arguing with herself constantly in her mind as she hobbled over to her brother. The Umbreon gave her a happy-go-lucky smile and it was contagious.

She smiled back at him as she pushed her front paws up. They swung about as she reached for the edge of the window. She managed to grip the opened window, and looked at her brother. He was smiling gently at her.

"W-what's up?" She asked, trying to act natural. Her mother really got to her. She nervously smiled back him with wide eyes. "Nothing much." He responds with a lazy shrug.

Realization hit her. What was he even doing at her window this late at night? She gave him a skeptical look. "What are you doing here, anyways?" She asked him.

He shrugged. He didn't even know? "I don't know." He confirmed, glancing around outside. "I just...wanted to see if you were okay. Our family is kind of...broken if you haven't noticed."

Broken?! Excuse me?! Fae thought in disgust. What kind of Pokémon says their family is broken. Especially when the family isn't broken. There's nothing wrong with my family, is there? She wondered as she fought with herself.

She had a look of despair on her face.

"What do you mean, Eon? There's nothing wrong with my family. In fact, if you're saying our family is broken then you're saying you are broken as well! Is that what you're saying?!" She snarled.

Eon jerked away from the window, eyes misting. "I suppose so. I mean I know things even you don't know, Fae. The world..." Eon began. Fae interrupted him. "The world is a nasty placed filled with Pokemon who want to take advantage of me!"

Eon glanced at her, pure shock on his face. "But not everyone is like that, Fae. I haven't been taken advantage of in this world. I mean, I have been—"

"Shut up! Just shut up! You know nothing about my family!" She screeched.

Eon gazed at her with unemotional eyes. "I never said I did. But I do know that your mother is hiding things from you. You're old enough to go out in the world. is just a little more intense than I remember. She used to let people come by—let other Pokémon come by, and pick us up and pet us. Now from what I can see she is a control freak. She doesn't let you anywhere outside unless it's with that Kecleon. Don't you see, Fae? I know it's hard to choose between freedom and family, but sometimes freedom is family."

Fae didn't understand. How could her freedom be like a family to her? Her family has done so much for her, and she would be leaving them. That was awful!

"I don't understand." She mewed. She lifted one of her legs in an attempt to keep herself from falling over. Her legs were getting tired of balancing her weight. The fact that she was on her back two legs didn't help.

She wasn't used to this. Having a brother seemed like hard work. How could he know what's good for her? He was family, but so were they. They were all she knew until him.

But, it would be unwise not to at least hear him out. He definitely means well. Fae ponders as she angles her ears towards her brother, indicating with her impatient tail for her brother to explain to her what the meaning of this was.

Eon sighed as his tail lashed a little impatiently. "Fae, have you ever wondered why you couldn't see the world?" He asked her.

Why I can't see the world? She wonders.

"It's because there are scary Pokémon out there out to get me." She responded. This response provoked the Umbreon to face palm out of character. He seemed annoyed at this. Did he think it would be easy to get her out of her house? What kind of brother is he?

"Fae, yes there are scary Pokémon out there, but you can't hide from them. They can easily get you no matter whether you are out in the woods far away from other living beings, or if you're in the city. Also, this area isn't as safe as you might think." Eon remarked.

"It isn't?" Fae wondered aloud. "Of course not! Nothing is guaranteed 100 percent safe! Risks always have to be taken, Fae. I've taken many risks just to get here." He explained.

Risks? What sort of risks? Fae wondered. She didn't pry, however, despite being curious. She decided to change the subject.

"Oh." She responded, looking at the ground, figuring at least talking to him would suffice. The Umbreon didn't make a remark, only staring into the forest intently. "What are you looking at?" She asked him.

He turned back to her with a smile. "Oh, nothing, Fae. You wouldn't know unless you've been out there anyways." He teased with a mischievous grin spreading on his face. "Anyways, you better get back to sleep. I have a feeling if Izar saw me talking to at this time of night—"

Fae interrupted him. "What time is it?" "If Izar saw me talking to you at three am she would have my hide for sure." The Umbreon outside her window shuddered. He pushed his body off of the window, and placed his paws on the ground.

He turned away quickly, without so much as a glance back at Fae before he left.

Was the world always more dangerous than Fae thought? Was her mom really lying to her when she put these sorts of thoughts in her mind? Izar had always been pretty overly superstitious and over cautious with things. But was she willing to lie to her in order to keep her from going outside?

Have I really been so dumb to fall for a toxic trap by my own mother? Fae wondered with a sinking feeling in her stomach. She wrapped her paws around her head, and held it tightly within her own paws. Ugh! My mind is so messed up! I know I'm not the smartest 'mon around these parts, but I thought I was at least smart enough to know when I was tricked. Well, you learn something new about yourself every day. I suppose Eon isn't lying when he said this world will always be full of bad Pokémon. Maybe this is also a sign that not every Pokémon would be as bad as her mother claims they would be. Maybe, she thought with a small smile on her face. Maybe this adventure that Eon promises is what I need in order to escape. Maybe I need to help Eon convince my parents that not only is he truly a good Pokémon they can trust, but that not every Pokémon is to fear. That Luxio and human were from long ago. The scars are still there everywhere I go. Bad and good; good and bad.

Fae shook her head. It was too much for her. She put her front paws back down on the soft bed; she started going in a circle, yawning a bit. She laid back down in her bed and closed her eyes.

I can think about it in morning. Tomorrow will be a great day, I know it! She thought as slipped away into slumber.

Author's Note: Ah yes, what a very slow and boring chapter.

Anyways I hope you could somewhat enjoy this. Next chapter I will definitely be bringing something...perhaps a little unexpected. Who knows. Anyways thanks for reading! 😍

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