Chapter Fourteen

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It has been a few days. They met Paarthurnax—Fae at least—and started Fae's training; It was going horribly. She was failing at trying to learn other moves. She didn't know she was capable of using Tackle or Quick Attack, and she was run with all her might. No attack ever came, however.

She was getting frustrated with herself. How could she fight if she couldn't even do a single move correctly? Even Churro, her Quick Attack trainer was getting fed up, however he had already been fed up of her even before they started.

"Focus, Fae." Churro instructed her, showing her once again how he flowed a gray-white color when using the move. "Just think fast. Faster than you normally would." He instructed once more. Fae growled. "I have been! It's not my fault learning moves is hard! Why do I even bother?!" She wailed.

She could feel the tears that began to form in her eyes. Churro snorted, rolling his eyes. "Oh, boo hoo. Learning something new is always hard, you soft pawed freak. You expect to be able to learn things without practice. Learning takes more than just looking at a move and doing it. You have to focus and practice. Have you been practicing?" The Treecko asked her with a roll of his eyes.

He was definitely expecting her not to have practiced. But I have practiced. Can Eevee even learn Quick Attack? Ugh, I'll never be able to journey with my brother if I can't at least learn a move or two.

Frustrated, Fae kicked a stone into a nearby pond. This was the Starter Squad training ground. They would sometimes train new and old members in the barren stretch of land where Fae and Churro would train. Churro explained that to her.

She didn't really think it was necessary since she wouldn't be spending that much time with them, however she did like to learn. At least about history. Learning about fighting, however, was something she hated. Her whole life she didn't need it. And now that she was being threatened by a Luxray she needed it. It was frustrating. Why couldn't that Luxray leave them alone?!

She sighed.

She knew why. She should stop asking questions and just continue her training. If she was attacked by the Luxray, then she could fight back at least. There was no guarantee she would win. She was a weak 'Mon; she knew that for fact. It wouldn't take much to make her fall over.

"Again! Use Quick Attack. We will not stop until you've mastered at least this move. You need to be able to attack enemy Pokémon." He explained. He folded his arms and tapped his foot in his rush to teach her.

She attempted to use Quick Attack. Unfortunately, she wasn't fast enough for him.

"Faster! Faster! You're not movie white!"

Is it even legal to force a Pokémon to go so fast? Fae wondered as she tried to run even faster. Her heartbeat was unusually high for her, and her feet were pounding the ground with a furious desperation. It was as if she was running away from Luxray himself, however she wasn't. She tried to breathe through her nose and mouth. Using her nose alone wouldn't work here.

Churro shook his head. "Wrong! Incorrect! You're just not getting it. You've been trying this for five days, shiny 'Vee. You're just not understanding the idea of quicker than quick. This was a waste of my time." Churro grunted as he put his face in his paws.

He then walked away before Fae could say anything. Fae growled. That Treecko wasn't the nicest Pokémon around. She hated him. He forced her to do this day in and day out. She was still missing something.

"Maybe I am just unteachable. Maybe I won't ever be able to learn Quick Attack." She sighed, sitting down by a tree. She laid down and put her paws over her eyes. "Maybe I'm just unteachable." She remarked with a deep breath.

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