Chapter Eight

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The older Eevee fled with tears in her eyes. Her mother. She just abandoned her there. It was her fault! She couldn't fight, and now her mother is dead! She closed her eyes as trees flew past her as she ran. She wasn't even thinking about finding her family. She just ran away from the battle like some sort of pacifist coward. Or at least a pacifist who is a coward. I've never battled before. That was a whole different experience. It was so...scary.

Fae sighed as she sat down. Her chest heaved as she attempted to get air back into her lungs. Her ears flattened against her head. She didn't like to fight. That was a new experience for her.

And why was she suddenly suddenly able to run like that? One second she was trapped in the midst of battle, the next she was fleeing faster than she ever remember having the speed for.

Run away. She thought. That's what the Luxray had said before she let her feelings overwhelm her. Ability switching powers? So I have this unknown powerful ability to switch? This is so confusing. I thought I was just a normal shiny Eevee.

She laid down with her paws on her head. She tried to make sense of her situation. She shook her head frivolously. She researched abilities when she was younger, but she had no clue on any Pokémon who was born with such powers.

And I'm told this like I'm supposed to accept that I have some overpowered ability? I don't want this ability! How
do I get rid of it?! It has ruined my life! First it took my siblings, and now my mother. It needs to go.

Fae could feel her anxiety creeping up on her. Everything around her was beginning to disappear until all that was left was the darkness. In a panic, Fae stood up. Her heart was almost thrown out of her rib cage.

Where'd the forest go? She asked herself as she tried to navigate her surroundings. Fae's chest tightened. She realized she couldn't breathe. She tried to take in air, but her lungs wouldn't allow it. She felt chills go up her spine, and she started shaking intense. She couldn't see anything. Nothing was there anymore.

Fae could feel herself sweating profusely. She felt sudden burden pour on her shoulders and the fear was let out. There was nothing left. No light. Only darkness.

Fae closed her eyes. Please, Arceus, if you're out there just end my suffering! I can't live like this! My life is meaningless without my mother. I have nothing left.

Fae thought. She was beginning to feel numb. She could no longer hear anything. Everything had faded into the numbness that was despair and fear of everything around her.

All the Pokémon around her wanted to kill her! No one nice existed. I am truly—

"Fae! Fae! Snap out of it!" A voice exclaimed in a shout. She could hear a flurry of paws approaching her; the sound of sticks break could be heard. She felt a sudden paw— it was soft and firm—grab her shoulder and begin to shake on her.

That was when she realized where she was. The Luxray! She thought, still in her panic stricken phase. Her eyes were widened and her body stuff. She couldn't believe she was wallowing in sorrow. I almost let myself get sucked in by the darkness! I cannot allow that! I just ignore everything that is bad and dark, and focus on what's right in front of me.

Fae looked up at the Pokémon who was speaking to her—they were obviously a family member or Kecleon since they knew her name. A black fox-like face peered down at her with worried red eyes. His red-pink scarf flowed in the cold wind. Eon.

Fae shivered with a frown. She barely even knew her brother. She was happy to at least see one family member not dead by the blast, but she wasn't sure about the rest.

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