Chapter Seven

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Fae didn't know how much help she would be in a battle such as this. Her mother didn't teach her the basics of battling. She only knew how to throw Sand Attacks. From the battle positions her family had taken, they knew more than she did.

I hope I can help! She prayed as the whole family forgot about the kitchen oven that was still on and being preheated for the cinnamon rolls.

She knew it would be difficult, but she had to try! Fae focused her attention on the Luxray who seemed uncertain about fighting many enemies all at once. He seemingly shook his head to convince himself he was stronger than them, and immediately began to use moves on as many of them as he could at a seemingly impossible rate.

Fae attempted to dodge the few Thunderbolts that were sent her way. At first, she couldn't dodge them in time, getting her tail, legs, and ears scorched by the power of lightning. Fae cried out in pain.

This wasn't even her battle! Why should she be the one to help when he mother only kept her from the outside all her life? Fae growled. She had no purpose in this battle whatsoever. At least her father had a good reason: he didn't want to leave her mother alone in this battle.

What made Fae join this battle? She was useless. Her mother ensured that. She frowned. What am I supposed to do? I don't know if I can use any attack moves properly. Mother said that peace would always win in the end, but this has convinced me otherwise.

Fae put a paw to her chin. "Fae, what are you doing?" Ezekiel asked in concern. "Can you even fight?"

The simple answer to such a question was obviously no. Fae could only attack with sand. Where even was sand in this house?! Ezekiel kept it super clean. She was briefly taught to kick the ground and sand would come up, but in a place with no sand there was very little she could do to turn the tides of battle.

What could a small shiny Eevee even do in the first place? What kind of attacks does she have?

Fae rubbed her brain while the battle was going on, praying for a miracle or an instinct to take over. Nothing. I'm such a useless Pokémon! I can't even fight! I'm sure all my siblings know how to fight by now. Neri knows how to use Psychic Powers.

Fae watched as the battle continued onwards. She felt miserable. There was nothing she could do to help. Every attack that was aimed at her was tanked by her father; the Luxray seemingly appeared regretful of what he was doing, but didn't stop listening to orders.

Most of the orders were electrical attacks aimed at either Mauve, Fae, or Eon—mostly at Eon. This guy must really hate Eon. Fae could hear shuffling behind her, and spun around. The shadow of another Eevee was stalking around the house. It had started at the back door out.

Fae turned towards the ground. She wanted to help her mom, but how? She wasn't as smart as the others, nor nearly as powerful. She could kick dust up, but what good would that do?

Come on think, Fae. There has to be something you could do to help.

The older Eevee decided to get help. Maybe one of her family members had an idea. She decided getting it from her mom or dad wasn't a good idea as she knew they would tell her to just run away or leave them to deal with the very evolved Luxio who destroyed their lives all those years ago. Except this time, he was way more powerful.

"What's wrong, little Vee? Can't fight for shit?" The Luxray sneered as his tail glowed white-yellow. Finally, a move that wasn't electricity based. The weak white stars were aimed at Fae with such precision. He must have trained for hours on end. Something Fae lacked.

Fae's ears bent closer to her head. Of course she couldn't fight that well! Was the Luxray blind? She researched Luxray at one point in her homeschooling. She found out they had amped vision, so she figured that this Luxray's vision would be impeccable.

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