Chapter Fifteen

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Fae agreed to Tudi's challenge; could it even be called a challenge? She didn't know how to learn moves. What could she do to learn such a move? And to keep myself alive? How can I do that that fast?!

Fae gulped. But, it was worth a try. She knew that  much. If Churro didn't even have the patient then what other choice did she have? She didn't want to train with such a bummed Pokémon anyways.

"Excellent!" The Sandslash exclaimed. "We will get started right now before anyone else comes outside. Witness, serve as a distraction. That stupid Treecko doesn't need to come back out here until we're done here!" Tudi ordered the green-and-red spotted Togekiss. The Togekiss nodded with a slight frown, but obeyed Tudi's orders anyways with the strange Swampert watching her with slight sadness in his eyes.

The Togekiss flew off, leaving Fae with the strange Sandslash, Swampert, and Ninetales.

Tudi indicates with a claw for the Ninetales to come forward. "You know quick attack, Tisa, so teach her." He ordered gruffly. The Ninetales glared at him with soft red eyes. "Of course, Tudi." She responded with a mocking dip of her head. "What a great idea! Teaching good guys how to use quick attack! This is surely a good thing to invest our time in instead of actually killing her!"

Fae could tell that this Ninetales greatly underestimated her partner's brains. Then again, Fae had been told by her brother that these villains were in a great Arceus battle. They had changed sides at the last minute.

Eon described them as strange, and he's right. He's also right about them being not really villains. They seem more disorganized than calculated. At least less coordinated than that Luxray and his owner, that's for sure. I have a feeling these four aren't true threats to me anyways. I still feel some certain danger coming from them, but they seem willing to help me?

Tudi smacked Tisa and she growled loudly. "Don't question my orders! I'm the leader here, not you!" He yelled, although Fae could see he regretted hitting her.

What kind of Pokémon hit someone they cared about anyways? It was toxic. Then again these were villains, so maybe all they knew was a toxic way of caring.

"A-Alright." The female stuttered, glancing at the ground in uncertainty. "I just hope that whatever we're doing will be worth it." She muttered as she tilted her head to look at Fae. She pushed back her feelings and stood her ground.

"Listen here, you fun-sized Eevee. What do you know about attacks?" The Ninetales asked her.


The Ninetales sighed as if she was already giving up on her, although she just seemed annoyed. "Do you even know the first steps of using attacks? You know how to use any moves, Small Vee?" She questions her.

Fae's eyes lit up. She did know Sand Attack. Maybe she was useful after all! She sure hoped she would be by the time she could actually learn how to properly learn moves.  She didn't know what this Ninetale's point was, however if she could teach her something, then showing her Sand Attack would help.

"Yes, I was taught Sand Attack, but that's not quick attack. I still don't know how to learn proper fighting moves." She explained to the now-grinning nine tailed fox. The cream colored Fox nodded.

"I see." She responded with a thoughtful expression. "You know one move. Well, more likely you know how to use one move. Do you think you can show us how you use it? There might be a way to learn other moves if you can use one." Tisa explained.

Fae was confused, but decided to show off her one move anyways. She focused on the ground—which is where this move originated. She pulled back a paw and focused all her power within he to use that paw to knock up some sand. The sand picked up and she kicked it at Tisa. Tisa screamed as the sand went into her eyes, rubbing them vigorously. She seemed to grin.

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