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Screams were being made. Fae desperately cried out to them. No one could hear her pleads for them to look at her. They all passed through her.

"Hey! Hey, over here! Eon! Neri! Corvus! Mauve! Fergus!" She continued to call out her friends and family's names. "Parvaiz? Can you see me? Hello? Sincerity?"

Her body was being overwhelmed by a party of mourning Pokemon.

I died, but I'm still here? Why? Fae wondered. She felt miserable.

She sighed. Well, nothing to do expect go forward....and hope someone notices me.

She started to walk, passing through her brother and everyone else. No one could see her. By then Lazarus was in tears—poor dude.

She continued to walk in search of answers. "Hello?" She called. "Arceus? Giratina? Anyone?!" She exclaimed, feeling tears begin to set within her eyes as she continued miserably walk forward. She didn't want to be a ghost. She wanted to be alive.

The pain she felt when she was alive was horrible, but...

Fae gasped as she was just about get out of the forestry she was in. A blur passed by her as well as a bushy tail and a whole bunch of Eevees. A Flareon was following.

But what got Fae most of all was that a Jolteon was following the Flareon. Mom! She thought with tears in her eyes. She was alive? But how?

She was about to greet her family when they ran right  through her.

She felt miserable again. That's right. They can't see me. But...I am glad they are okay. I was beginning to think they were all dead. And mom...Fae shook her head.

Her mother was alive and that's all that mattered.

But...she was going to see her dead body any second. I can't watch.

Fae began to pad away just as a loud gasp could be heard. "NOOOO!" A large wail made the Pidove in the trees fly away.

Fae didn't turn back as she ran. She screamed for help. She wanted to return to her body. Her mother had been right all along. Going out in the world just got her killed.


She heard rustling in the bushes nearby. A white Eevee popped out with a curious, yet worried gaze on her face.

"Hello? Hello, hello, hello?" The Eevee questioned her as she approached. Fae's eyes widened.

She thought the Pokémon in front of her was a shiny. But she was an oddly colored Pokémon.

She was mostly white, however she had orange fluff instead of the normal colors. The insides of her ears were orange too, and so was the tip of her tail as well as her muzzle.

She looked odd for a shiny Eevee that's for sure. Though she obviously wasn't.

To top it off, she had purple circles on her cheeks. Almost like she was a Pikachu, not an Eevee.

"Hello," Fae greeted her, feeling weird about the encounter. Why was there an Eevee in the bushes? And why did she say hello four times? Not to mention she kept hearing a strange whirring like there was some Rotom nearby.

"Why did you call for help? You don't seem hurt to me. Why are you out here calling for help? And why do you look like you're about to fade?" The shiny Eevee with purple cheeks asked.

Fae looked back, then looked at the whirring Eevee. "I'm dead," she told her.

The Eevee laughed at her, producing tears while the whirring sound intensified. "I'm sorry, you're dead? Then how can I see you? Do you really think I'm that dumb or that naive?"

Fae shook her head. That made one of them. "N-No! I do not think you're either of those. Just try to put your paw against me. You'll see!" Fae pleaded. She desperately wanted this Pokémon to see the truth.

The strange Eevee rolled her eyes with a smile. "Okay," she playfully responded as she reached a paw out. "But this is a very weird thing to do when you first meet."

Her eyes then widened as her paw passed through Fae. She tried again. It still passed. The Eevee began to freak out.

Fae was afraid she would faint on her.

"Whoa! So you're really a ghost, ghost?! That's cool! You should come with me then if you have nothing to do. You can be my guardian Angel!" The Eevee exclaimed with a mischievous grin on her face.

Huh. That went better than I thought. Fae pondered as she curiously looked at the whirring Eevee.

"Okay." Fae agreed without a second thought. "But first what's you're name?"

"Oh! I'm Esther! How about you?!" The whirring Eevee beamed.

"Im Fae. Nice to meet you!"

"Hey wanna see something cool?" The whirring Eevee asked her with a grin. Fae nodded. Something cool would help her forget she just died after all.

Suddenly, the whirring Eevee jumped at the tall oak tree nearby. She smashed her back paws against the tree's trunk, and went flying over into the next tree over—the tree she smacked ended up becoming broken and had fallen over.

"What?! Woah!" Fae exclaimed.

"That's not all!" The other Eevee boasted as she winked.

She then jumped higher into the tree, and ended up using her own chompers and tore a Pidove to shreds, throwing him dying on the ground nearby.

"Ah, uhm, great." Fae responded with a nervous expression. I may be dead, but that's not normal is it?

"Anyways, wanna come back with me?"

"Uhm, sure?" Fae questioned. She was almost fearful, however the purple cheeked Eevee beamed at her.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Futile is pathetic, pathetic, pathetic!" She then tried to grab Fae's paw before running off.

Fae sighed. Just what had she gotten herself into in her afterlife.

At least she got to help this Eevee. Maybe that's why she's still here. I just wish I could find out why I didn't go anywhere.

But for now, here with Esther was a pretty good place, even if she was a bit peculiar and overpowered.


Author's Note: ah yes, references galore in this epilogue to Fae's grand adventure. This adventure will continue in Voice of Truth, although it isn't about Fae. However it will be about three Pokémon and Esther the whirring Eevee is a part of it.

Thanks for reading this completion, and I hope you enjoyed Together. ❤️😄

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