Chapter Seventeen

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Ever since she had learned Quick Attack, Fae had been learning moves left and right. Well, she learned two more, which were both attack moves. Now she can both tackle enemies as she was taught by Churro and Bite enemies—taught by a Chespin known as Hericius. Together, Churro and Hericius taught her how to fight, however, Fae wasn't completely trusting in her abilities yet.

It had been a few weeks of hard labor and training since she learned those moves, and now she was being tested by Hericius in a battle. So far, she had been able to use it. She wasn't a master of the move yet—however she has been trying hard to not only hone her skills, but to work harder for her siblings and friends.

She had no idea what Fergus and Neri had been doing while she was training, but she saw Mauve Eon watching—Mauve listening more than watching since she was blind—her as she trained with both grass starters. Fae could tell both were skilled.

She didn't understand why Tudi said that the squad was weak and pathetic. So far, they seemed to be willing her to do her best and to focus harder on the things that she needed to improve on. She was grateful for their time.

"Alright, Fae. Show me your Bite once more! I think you've almost got this mastered. You've already mastered Quick Attack and Sand Attack now. You're very close to graduating from this move." Hericius informed her.

Fae's eyes sparkled. If she mastered Bite, then she could protect herself from the ghost types. They weren't really a threat because she was a normal type—however it was just better for the coverage.

She had to be reminded several times she would still need to learn a move to get past her fighting type weakness. It was definitely a thorn in her paw at this point.

Fae hated fighting type Pokémon. Always bragging about how much stronger they were than most Pokémon. She had encountered a couple several times. Most were either boastful or not impressive in battle. The latter was what happened the most. Her sister's Boyfriend—she learned that during her time here when the Squad kept mentioning the word to her—battled the fighting types, crippled and all.

She assumed the fighting types underestimated their opponent as each one was sent flying towards some Pokémon dressed in all blue, wearing caps and yellow badges as well. Let's just say that problem was still being addressed as Hericius and her honed her Bite.

Fae prepared the Bite for the Chespin—the greenery on her body was replaced with an autumn aesthetic of brown; she was a shiny as well. Fae leapt towards her new friend, raging with boundless energy. She wanted to master this move—perhaps in the process also impress her new friend.

The younger Chespin before her was a natural at catching low ranked villains. She was a very caring and honest Pokemon. She had caught a couple of Litleo who were causing trouble one time for the Squad. They claim the area where Poketown was their territory, and hissed at others to leave. Of course, they were caught. They weren't very good at fighting, and didn't seem to fight well together in battles.

Fae almost let out her giggles.

Not to mention they were very clumsy when trying to hit their opponents. She thought as she sank her almost-imaginary-like fangs into her friend's shoulder. Besides a slight wince, the brown Chespin endured—then she clapped.

"Good job, Fae! I think you're almost ready to graduate from Bite!" Hericius praised. Fae turned her head away in slight embarrassment. However, the look on her face was pleased to hear such news.

She was glad she was improving greatly. And I have many Pokémon to thank. Im happy Paarthurnax let us stay here to train. It would have been a hassle to need to find someplace else to train and stay.

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