Chpatcer fiftun

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TEH AMAZING lulupopsiepooh IS WRITING NOW! SHES THE BEST, OMFG--- AJDHFKENFUDNFHSKKDOFJS---- and I only just learnt what idgaf means :p Derp.

Lucy's Pov----

I left the gathering a bit early, Rhe, Tash and Evie could find their own way home, insert deal with it meme! Because Megan hadn't come to the party she had 'homework' and 'didn't feel like going', she hadn't talked to Harry since the break up, so quite often it would just be me and Niall going out with them because she was 'busy'.

I silently opened the door and Megan didn't notice. She was staring at the TV ads and eating a box of pizza- WITHOUT MEH?!
"How's the studying going; I didn't know we had Pizzaolgy tomorrow!"
Megan jumped out of her skin and starting coughing dramatically as she choked, "God Lucy! You freaking scared me!" She yelled. I sat next to her on the bed and snatched up a slice,
"Why have you been avoiding Harry?" I asked, though with a full mouth it sounded more like 'why uv oo bun uhvoydin arrh'.
"I haven't-"
"Yes you have!" I interrupted.
Megan sighed, "You know that party ages ago that I went to but you didn't want to?" I nodded, "well Baby is from that party, and it's not Harry's."
I was shocked, well that was an understatement, "it doesn't matter who the father is, we will love little Taylor or Kaydon-depending-on-the-gender!" I smiled and hugged my sister, "but just asking, who is the father? And not Darth Vader."
"*sound of finding something funny* Josh Devine, and no, I haven't told him. God, I can't bare to tell Mum and Dad..." She gasped.
"Hmm. Well did you know- you actually don't know seen as you're always to busy to come out to these things- Harry and Louis are together!" I smiled, "oh sorry I didn't want to upset you with that,"
"No it's fine, I think they'd look really good together." She smiled, half faked half real.
I clicked my fingers, did you know Megan can't click her fingers, as the perfect couple name came into my head, "Houis Tomlinstyles!"
But megan just laughed, "Nah Luce, maybe Larry Stylinson?"
I nodded in approval, that was better than Houis Tomlinstyles, even if it wasn't my idea!
"Why don't you come back to the gathering at Liam's Dorm, I'm sure no one would mind helping you with your Pizzaolgy homework?" And then I laughed way to hard at my own joke, and it wasn't even that funny.
"Well you won't take no for an answer will you?" And megan stuffed more Pizza in her mouth, "I'm gonna finish my homework now though."


We stood outside Liam's Dorm, "oh god. Do I have to, I mean like he probably hates me?" Megan worried,
"Calm down you dipstick!" I knocked on the door, "anything bad happens, bang! Right in the balls!"
I looked back at the door and a worried Liam was stood there,"All I heard was bang in the balls?"
"Nevermind!" I smiled but Megan beside me just laughed, "I persuaded Megan to come, she can't avoid us all forever. And the balls is last resort..." I mumbled the last part. Megan and me followed Liam in and were met by and over exited, possibly drunk, Evie.
"Luceeeee! Megannnnnnn! Finally!" Evie squeezed us, probably attempted murder, then Rhe and Tash joined in, "Lucy you just left us all aloooone!".
"Kay what's Evie had?" Megan laughed,
"Only sugar I promise!" Liam defended, "she was taking about hitting balls!" He explained to all the other boys and us girls just laughed. I left the wackos and walked over to Harry, who was alone at the kettle making tea or something.
"Harry," I tapped his shoulder, "Megan is becoming an indoor pizza goblin. So I made her come out here- she's happy for you, but I don't know, she like trying to avoid you and stuff. But hey she made this up- Larry Stylinson!" I made a mini rainbow with my hands and he smirked, "well I'm gonna go now cuz we need more food and stuff, hug meh!"
I hugged Harry and he hugged back, "I'll go talk to her k, oh and your Rheanna told me about what she's planning." He whispered. Yeah! I can't wait for her to finally propose! I pulled away and walked towards the girls who were now sat on someone's bed
"Right I've got to buy more food because everybody eats so bloody much!"
"Awe Lu do you have to!" Tash moaned
"Yep, can have megan eating nothing but pizza! I'll be back in our dorm in like an hour." And I walked out.

I'd got less that a few meters down the hallway when I was grabbed from behind by my little Irish man, "if you're going food shopping I'm coming too!" Niall beamed as I rolled my eyes, "just don't buy loads of junk food this time!" I sighed.

[DISCONTINUED] The school for troubled teens| larry Stylinson / ziam mayne auWhere stories live. Discover now