Chapter 9

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This chapter will skip pov's a lot soz

Zayn pov ( A/N I think this is the first time )

I walked into my dorm to see Megan and Harry , Harry was pacing looking extremely angry at something and Megan was sat on his bed - sobbing her heart out. I quietly shut the door and hurry off to Liam's dorm.

I letyself in and walked over to his bed where he was fast asleep. I looked at his sleeping face and pressed my lips to his forehead. I decided that I shouldn't wake him up so I closed the door quietly and crept back out.

Megan POV

I walked into Harry's dorm- afraid of how he might react. I knocked on the door and immediately regretted it. I never knocked, I always just let myself in so now he must know that something's up.

He opened the door and looked confused to see me there. He let me in and I saw that he was all alone and must've been on his phone because it was lying on his bed, still on the instagram app. I walked in and sighed deeply.

"So what're you doing?" I asked and mentally cursed myself .
Don't stall, stalling will get you no where.

I thought to myself.

"Just been on instagram." He answered.

I mentally debated whether to tell him straight away or wait a little while before deciding that I should come right out and say it.

"Harry, I need to talk to you. You may need to sit down." I said inwardly bracing myself to tell him.

"Oh god. You're going to break up with me aren't you?" He asked, his voice filled with sorrow.

"No," I replied "Its something much worse."

His face immediately was covered in worry and felt so bad about what I had done.

"Okay, I know that you will break up with me after this so I just want to say that it was a drunken mistake and I wish it never happened." I whispered, feeling terrible that I would hurt someone so amazing.

"Just say it- please." He mumbled, barely audible.

"I'm pregnant." I said, my voice breaking at the end of it.

"But we didn't do anything." He muttered.

I felt so bad already and this was just killing me.

"I know." I murmed.

"Who was it ." he asked, his voice becoming more angry and less sad.

I mumbled my answer so he couldn't hear me.

"Speak up!" He shouted.

I started crying and managed to sob put my answer.

"Josh Devine."

He looked shocked for a moment, then started pacing around the room. He started tugging on his hair then looked at me and I could see the betrail in his eyes. Josh Devine was one of his childhood friends that he had found again at the beggining of the school year. He started crying silently before shouting out.

"Get out!"

I let out a loud sob before running to the door and slamming it behind me, not caring about the looks people gave me. I passed Louis on the way out and he noticed my tears and tried to hug me but I pushed him away.

How could I be so stupid.

Harry POV

I led on my bed ,in the fetal position, and started sobbing, silently. Somebody opened the and the bed dipped down next to me, indicating that the somebody had opened the door.

They started strocked my hair and whispered "Don't worry, it will get better.

"It won't." I answered.

It will- I've been there." The voice ( which I think belonged to Louis) said quietly.

"Really? Have any of your girlfriends gotten pregnant by your childhood best friend and they decided to tell you on your 2 month-aversary." ( A/N I don't know if this is their actual 2 month-avesary and let's pretend that it's not Christmas.) I shouted.

Louis POV

"Oh buddy. I don't now what that feels like but if men could get pregnant then that probably would've happened many, many times."  said, thinking back to all the exes that cheated on me.

"You're g-gay?" Harry asked .

"Yeah, I thought I told you." I said gently, not wanting to set harry off again. "Y-you don't have a problem with that, do you?" I asked, worried that he might kick me out.

"No, its fine." he said smiling a bit.

He looked into my eyes and we stayed like that for what felt like hours, but was probably only about five minutes. The eye contact was only broken when he looked down at my lips (whilst biting his own) and then back up to my eyes- as if he where asking for permission. I slowly satared leaning in, as did he, until our lips finally met. When they did it was as if fireworks had gone on throughout my body. I know it's cliché but I felt sparks running through my fingers and when he licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance, they only increased. I let him in and our tongues battled for dominance. I let him take over, as he was used to it and he roamed my mouth before nibbling slightly on my bottom lip, making me moan in pleasure. After I did this we immediately pulled apart.

He looked at me, shocked, before running out of the room. I walked over to the wall and slowly sank down until I reached the floor. I didn't where hevwas but I had a feeling that he was thinking the same thing as me.

What the hell did we just do?.
Larry kiss and ziam fluff
lulupopsiepooh are you happy now lol
Im quite proud of this.
Isn't Josh Devine sooooo hot. I love this picture of him.


Anywhores I must go so goodbye my little minions I love you all

Xx meggers xX

[DISCONTINUED] The school for troubled teens| larry Stylinson / ziam mayne auWhere stories live. Discover now