Chapter 7

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Lulupopsiepooh here again---------
Megan's pov-----/\//\/\//\/:3
Lucy was in the shower because somebody, no names ZAYN, did the funniest thing and drew a moustache on her with a marker pen, she had been 10 minutes already. I guess marker pen is hard to get off!
The room was really quiet because Lucy was the one who made all the noise, but then Buddha started climbing up the bars on her cage. Buddha was a dwarf hamster, she had red eyes and white fur. She was an albino hamster.
"U-um Megan," Louis said, "what is that!" He pointed towards the hamster,
"Buddha," I told him, "she isn't evil she just an albino, that's why she has red eyes!" I said while picking Buddha up and showing her to Louis. I dropped her onto his hands, "see, just a harmless hamster!" I smiled, he stared into her eyes,
"They eyes are weird though," he said whispered not wanting to startle the little animal. Louis stroked her, "she is rather cute now I'm holding her," he smiled.
"I know hamsters are amazing!" Lucy said, she must've got out of the bathroom and we hadn't realised. She was wearing her favourite clothes, a hogwarts tee and patterned denim shorts. Lucy sat down next to us and got out a little pot, 'treats for my baby' was written on the side, "here," she handed Louis a small white treat, "it's a milk drop, give it to her." Lucy pointed at Buddha. The little hamster sat on its bum, took the treat and started to nibble it,
"It's little hands are tiny," Louis said. Me and Lucy laughed, another heart melted by hamsters, aww! 'Dee da dee deee doe doe dee daa dee dee doe' Lucy's alarm went off. "Why do you have an alarm set?" Harry asked, I hadn't noticed but he had been looking at us the whole time, weird. But before Lucy answered she got a chair to climb on to and pulled something out, "because today is December the first! Advent calendars!" She cried and sat onto the bed to find door 1, "oh I love chocolate in the morning," Lucy said with a mouth full of chocolate,
"More than me?" Niall joked,
"Well at least chocolate doesn't steal my Ice Cream!" And Lucy stuck her tong out, they were so cute together.
"Megannnnnnnnnnnnnn" Lucy stretched my name,
"Yessssssssssssss,"I replied
"Okayyyyyyyyyyy" I replied, because of Lucy's smallness I got the tree out of the cupboard myself, "happy now?", Lucy smiled.
Lucy had given everyone jobs, Zayn and Liam were untangling the lights, Harry was putting the string onto the baubles and me, Lucy and Niall were putting the tree together. The tree was white and 5foot tall and we had just finished attaching the leaves, "Niall, boost please," Lucy was holding the star for the top and Niall picked her up and held her by her waist, "thank Niall,". The tree was completely naked with only a golden star on the top,
"Tinsel?" I asked, Lucy nodded vigorously,
"When I'm rich I will get a swimming pool, drain the water out and fill it with tinsel!" Lucy declared,
"Baubles aware ready, and Lucy what goes on in your mind?" Harry laughed,
"Genius actually!" Lucy scoffed and started hanging tinsel onto the tree.
Finally the tree was ready, it was now 4pm. "Wow those lights were really knotted up," Zayn sighed,
"But it was worth it, the tree looks amazing!" Liam cheered,
"Well I'm hungry, Pizza Hut anyone?" Harry suggested,
"Mmm, starvin' !" I answered for everyone. We all put our shoes on, turned the lights off and left the school towards Pizza Hut. "Are we eating in or taking out?" Niall asked,
"Well me and Liam are taking out," Zayn said
"Us two are eating in," I pointed at me and Lucy
"I'm in too," Louis added,
"I'm in, you Ni?" Harry asked and Niall nodded, we were like one big family!
"Come awn!" Lucy grabbed my arm, she was always hungry!
How was that, I had to add in the Christmas bit, it is almost December (tomorrow) byeee xxx

[DISCONTINUED] The school for troubled teens| larry Stylinson / ziam mayne auWhere stories live. Discover now