Chapter 8

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I woke up to a weight on top of me. I rubbed my eyes and looked in front of me, to see Louis on top of me. (A/n not that way. You dirty minded freaks)

"Hello there." I said sassily.

"Hi." He replied, equally as sassy.

"So what are we doing today." I asked pushing him off of me.

"WE NEED A CHRISTMAS TREE!!! ITS ALREADY THE 19TH!!!!" He shouted, nearly bursting my eardrums.

"Well first of, OWWW!!! And secondly is it really." He nodded hurriedly "well then we best get going soon."

I went and sat on Zayn and asked if he wanted to come, but he said that he was spending the day with Liam. I teased him a little before going to the bathroom to get changed. I put on my white tee, some black and pulled my hair up into a messy bun. A lot of people judged me for this look but megan thought I looked great nd I didn't think I looked bad either so I kept wearing it.

I walked back into the bedroom/living room and pulled on my coat.

"Ready to (a/n run) go?" I asked louis, to which he nodded. We said goodbye to zayn and went to jammer james (a/n it's the place I get my Christmas tree from every year so I thought I'd put it in) to look for a tree.

"How about this one?" I questioned

"No, too thick." He replied.

We stated looking again before louis shouted out " OH MY GOD THIS IS THE ONE!!!!!!

I went over and looked before shouting , myself , " OH MY GOD!!!!IT IS!!!!!!!"

--------------back at the dorm-------------
"So what else are we doing today?" I asked as we were putting up the tree.

" I was thinking that we watched some movies with Liam and Zayn."

"Sounds cool. Which movies should we watch?" I questioned.

"I don't know. I can't come up everything Harold."

"Harold?" I changed chuckled.

"Yes. That is your name now, peasant. Now suggest some movies to watch or you shall be be-headed."

I started laughing and he glared at me jokingly. I made sure that the tree was sturdy before going over to the DVD cabinet and looking through them.

" How about Johnny English and X-men."

He pondered for a minute before saying "yeah but add a Christmas movie like the muppets' Christmas carol or Elf."

"Let's watch all 4." I said after thinking over it a bit.

"YAY!!!" He screamed " I'll text them right now."

We carried on decorating the tree until we were happy with what it looked like.

Louis went over to his phone to check his texts and announced " They can come and will be here in half an hour."

" Well then we better get the snacks." I exclaimed.

We ended up with orangeade, popcorn, candy canes and toffees and by the time we'd gotten them ready it the time that Liam and Zayn were due to arrive. Suddenly, I heard a noise outside the door and went to see what it was. When I opened it I saw Zayn and Liam kissing, passionately. I cringed at the sight because Zayn was basically my brother but then I realised how gentle and sweet the kiss was even though it was full of lust. I cleared my throat to get their attention and they immediately pulled apart, a blush covering their cheeks. They walked out inside and sat on the sofa. I went over and sat next to them.

" Soooo... Are you two a couple then."

"Maybe..." Zayn blushed.

"Who asked who? Where was it? How did it happen? When did you do it?" I said all at once.

" I asked Zayn, we did it at the park about ten o'clock and I got nervous and just blurted it out." Liam replied, a blush still counting his cheeks.

"Awwwwww." I cooed.

I didn't even realise Louis had come in until I heard him cooing as well. I got off the sofa because it was getting a little crowed and walked over to the love seat. I felt it sink and saw Louis sat next to me. I smiled at him and started the DVD. I don't really know when but somewhere along the second film ( Johnny English ) me and Louis ended up cuddling up together. I didn't realise that we fell asleep together until I woke up the next morning, our legs intwined and Louis huddled into my chest.

Eeeeeeeeek ziam
I think I died whilst writing this

Anywhores... I'm sorry for uploading so late * loads shotgun * please don't shoot me * puts shotgun down *

This is where my chapter ends.

Goodbye my minions. Love you

Meggers xx :-*

[DISCONTINUED] The school for troubled teens| larry Stylinson / ziam mayne auWhere stories live. Discover now