Crushing on Daniel

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I went home like I had told Kemi yesterday and began to think of ways to work on my weakness. I thought maybe I could engage in more physical activities, and maybe learn martial arts. If I'm lucky, I'll be promoted from soft bones to the karate kid.

I made it mandatory to be punctual to school after my misfortune last time. As I walked upstairs to my class, I looked around to see if any teachers were at school, "None" I said to myself.

I moved closer to my class and I heard voices, familiar voices. I figured it was Kosi because she has a high pitched voice. . .but who was she talking to?

I walked inside and saw her talking to Daniel for the third time.

"What are they always talking about?" I said to myself feeling a bit of jealousy.

Again, I dismissed the thought.

"Good morning Tega.". Daniel called.

"Morning Daniel". I smiled.

"Good morning, girl". Kosi said.
"Morning". I replied.
"Kosi and Daniel, what are you two always talking about sef?" I asked jokingly.

"Something special". Kosi smiled.

Blah! I felt the food I had eaten for breakfast come up to my mouth, I pushed it back in.

I went over to my seat and began reading a comic book Kemi lent me few days ago. After sometime I noticed Kosi and Daniel weren't talking anymore.

"What happened, why aren't you guys talking anymore?" I smiled.

"I wanted to ask you something, Tega, so I dismissed Kosi".

"Ouch!" I thought.

"Kemi told me you're really good at math, can you explain a topic for me?".

Kemi said that? He always says he's better than me at all the subjects and I just go along with it. Kemi is always joking.

"Yes, what topic do you want me to explain". I asked excitedly.

"Mmm, Standard form, I understood it before. It's just. . . it's confusing sometimes" He looked down at the floor.

"Ok" I said. I brought out my mini notepad and began explaining the topic for him.

From time to time I noticed that Kosi stood at the door, staring at the both of us. She looked upset and her face turned red.
Few minutes later, Omega, one of Daniel's friends walked in and Kosi ran off to the girl's bathroom or at least that's where I think she went. Soon it was time for the morning assembly, I grabbed my rosary and bible and rushed downstairs.

After school, I went downstairs to wait for Kosi, Bella, Williams and Amanda. They we're taking a long time upstairs. I decided to go up and check on them. As I walked upstairs and headed to our class I heard my name being called in a disgusted manner.

"Can you believe Tega dared to go close to Daniel this morning?!" I heard Kosi say.

"Yeah, it's not a big deal. You said she was explaining a maths note to him right?" Amanda asked.

"Yes, but still. I've liked Daniel since my primary school. Doesn't she know that?" Kosi said.

"You're making me sick. Let's go please. I don't want to take part in your little gossip. All I know is that Daniel went to Tega to explain a maths note and that's all I want to know. Williams, Bella, let's go. If Kosi doesn't want to follow us home today then that's her business. You're not supposed to like a boy anyway, Kosi. You're just eleven". I heard Amanda say.

I ran back downstairs. I could not believe what I had just heard. Would my friend really choose a boy over our friendship?

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