Chapter Eighteen

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"What are you doing?" Cedric asks exasperated. It's been two weeks since Daisy has talked to Harry. He saw what went down in the Great Hall. Of course he did! The entire school saw. Daisy felt bad about it at first but a late night talk with Draco soothed her worries.

Flashback 2 weeks earlier:

Moving from her bed, Daisy quietly looks around her room to make sure ALL of her roommates are asleep. Being extra careful to make sure Ginny is asleep before making any move to open the door. Once she is sure everyone is passed out she quietly slips out the door and down to the quidditch pitch. However walking past the lake she notices her blonde haired friend. Sneaking up behind him as he sits on the grass looking in the opposite direction from where she is approaching, he jumps as she puts her hands on his shoulders, "RAHHH"! She laughs as he jumps and turns around.

"Bloody hell! Nearly gave me a heart attack!" He exclaims clutching his wand.

Daisy belly laughs and plops herself down beside him, "what are you doing sitting here? I thought we would meet at the pitch."

"Fancied the change of scenery." Draco shrugs looking past her, "looks like your bodyguard is here." He nods behind her. Daisy scrunches her eyebrows in confusion as she pulls her knees up to her chest and turns to look where he had gestured. She sees Cedric and some other friends from different houses and even some Durmstrang boys. All the other kids are laughing and smiling as they walk towards the pitch with brooms, but Cedric just looks on at Daisy and Draco. Daisy nods to Cedric and he hesitantly nods back and then one of his friends pushes him and he breaks his stare. The group soon disappears as they walk further away.

"He's not my bodyguard." Daisy says and nudges Draco's shoulder with her own.

"Do I make you mad?" Draco asks catching Daisy off guard.

"Yes." She answers honestly as Draco picks at the grass in between them.

"Then why are you friends with me?" Draco asks

Daisy is quiet for a moment and looks to Draco with concern, "because... because... you are the only person who challenges me."

"What?" He asks confused by that answer.

"You are the only person who disagrees with me, who pushes me, who makes me question myself." Daisy explains.

"That's not true. All your other friends challenge you. When it comes to me they disagree with you. So why me?" Draco asks.

"Why are you asking me this?" Daisy asks having never seen him so vulnerable before.

"Because I need to know." He says quickly, almost snippy, "I need to know that this is worth it. For you. Us."

"Us?" Daisy asks "Draco you are the only person who challenges me and disagrees with me. The others.... they don't approve of my friendship with you but they don't disagree with me and they don't challenge me because I don't really care when they try to fight with me over you. I mean... I do care. I hate that they hate that I like hanging out with you. But... all their arguments are invalid because it doesn't matter what they say. I won't ever stop being your friend."

"How do I challenge you?" He asks

"I stood up to Harry today." Daisy says and he finally stops playing with the grass and looks at her.

"Yeah I know. The whole school saw." He tells her and she nods.

"I don't believe him." She shakes her head. "I want to but... I can't."

Daisy Lily PotterWhere stories live. Discover now