Chapter Five

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The days come and go and soon enough the warmth of October grows colder into the November chill. Daisy's days remain pretty constant. She wakes up, she writes if she has a dream with her mum, she gets ready for school, then she hangs out with her friends after lessons. Her closest friends by far are Ginny and a whimsical Ravenclaw student called Luna. Ginny and Daisy have two classes with Ravenclaw, muggle studies and care of magical creatures. Since the day the three girls met each other they were nearly attached at the hip! Daisy has also taken a keenest interest in Neville. She knows he is still awkward and shy around her but she practically pushes herself into him, trying to be his friend. She forces him to talk to her in the halls between classes and even makes him do homework with her in the library on Fridays after lessons. And finally, there is her most complicated friendship. Draco Malfoy. They don't hang out every second of everyday. They don't even hang out everyday. Their biggest form of communication is through discretely passing each other notes in the hall. They both had a mutual understanding that hanging out with each other wouldn't be good for either person. It would cause problems for Draco with his slytherin friends, and would definitely cause fights between the Potter siblings. Daisy does however insist on the two of them getting together Sunday evenings before dinner. They hide out in Snapes classroom, who after catching them a good handful of times, eventually relented and allowed them use of his classroom with the promise of them leaving it exactly how they found it. They've also continued their late night flying lessons and Daisy is proud of her improvement. She can even get up in the air now!

This bright and early Saturday morning, Daisy wakes up at 8:30 as she does most weekends. She tiredly grabs her journal from under the top corner of her mattress as well as the muggle pen she snuck in with her just to be able to easily write in her journal. She sits up noticing Ginny also awake and writing in a black leather bound book. She shrugs it off and opens her own journal to recount her dream.

I dreamt of her again. Of mum. It started as it always does. Me waking up in the dream and her sitting at the foot of my bed with an adoring smile.

"How's school going?" She asks "any boys?" She teases.

"It's brilliant!" I exclaimed excited about my new school "and no." I giggled

"Really? Not even with that adorable face?" She asks pinching my cheeks with one hand and I laugh swatting her hand away. "What about friends?"

"My best friends are Luna Lovegood and Ginny Weasley! I'm trying to get Neville Longbottom to be my friend but he is such an awkward person. I think he's starting to crack though." I explain

"Ginny Weasleys in your year?" She asks ignoring everything else I just said.

I nodded, "yes. She's practically my sister. She's literally my favorite person ever!" Mum nodded slightly with an intrigued smile. "Ow." I grasp my head.

"What's wrong?" Mum asks concerned

"Just a headache." I shrug "I get them all the time."

"Okay well maybe that just means you need more sleep." She suggests "I have to go now darling. I love you."

"I love you too mummy." I said and then just like that she was gone.

Closing her dream journal and putting it back in place daisy begrudgingly gets out of bed to go get ready for the day. She is supposed to be meeting an older student in the library at 10 for tutoring. Yes, much to Daisy's dismay she is pretty much failing astronomy. So the professor set her up with a student tutor who is in his fifth year and has made perfect O's in the class. Since it's the weekend and her uniform was not necessary she pulled on some plain black leggings as well as her Gryffindor jumper and her black ugg boots.

Daisy Lily PotterWhere stories live. Discover now