Chapter nineteen

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Daisy walks into the common room and spots Neville at a table in the corner, working quietly on something that Daisy can't quite make out. "Hey." She sits down at the chair across from him.

He looks up and offers her a smile, "where were you this early?"

"Mmm I'd tell you but so far this morning the answer has only gotten me in trouble." She jokes and he lets out a little laugh. "What are you doing?" She asks taking the paper from in front of him and sees he is writing a letter. "Oh, sorry! I thought it might've been homework or something."

"It's okay." He says honestly.

"I feel like we haven't talked at all this year." Daisy says to him.

"A lot of us feel that way about you." He admits without looking at her and turning red.

"Me?" She asks with raised brows.

"Yeah well... you've kind of... um... checked out? I-I guess?" He stutters.

"Checked out?" Daisy asks

"I know you've been sneaking out almost every night. I'm down here a lot after hours to read without the others poking fun." He explains softly "also... Ginny told me about your guys' fight and Malfoy at the quidditch cup."

"But we resolved that fight." Daisy says to him, confused as to why Ginny would bring it up anymore.

"She was only venting." Neville says "it's not just the Malfoy thing though. You and Harry?"

"What do you think?" Daisy asks, suddenly growing shy with Neville. A feeling she has never experienced, at least not while with him.

"I think you need to apologize." Neville says honestly. Shocking both himself and Daisy at his bluntness.

"Sorry?" Daisy asks, trying to make sure she heard him right.

"Not to me, to Harry." Neville says with a cheeky smile making Daisy laugh. "No but seriously, he misses you."

Daisy's smile falters and she looks down at her hands on the table, playing with her fingers. "It's not that easy." She swallows harshly, trying to keep her tears at bay.

"Do you miss him?" Neville asks and Daisy nods slowly. "Then it really is that easy. What's keeping you away?"

"I betrayed him." Daisy scoffs shaking her head "I chose not to believe him because I wanted to prove that I don't just blindly follow him."

"Who do you have to prove that too?" Neville asks and Daisy stays quiet. He nods slowly, adding the pieces together.

"Do you think he'd even forgive me?" Daisy asks "he's impossibly stubborn."

Neville smirks a little, trying to keep in a laugh. "You both are. But yes he will forgive you." Neville stands up and hesitantly puts a hand on Daisy's shoulder. Shocking her, she looks up. "I have to take this to the owlery. Will I see you at breakfast?" Daisy smiles lightly and nods. Neville leaves and Daisy gets up to go get ready for the day ahead of her.

Daisy gets showered and dressed and heads down to the great hall. She immediately spots her old seat in beside Neville. She hasn't sat there since her and Harry stopped talking. She didn't want to risk being that close to Harry. Ginny had been sitting with her at the opposite end of the table over the last few weeks. Swallowing her pride she walks to where Neville is and sits down. Neville looks to the now taken seat beside him and can't help but smile. Daisy looks to him from the side of her eye to Neville as she scoops some fruit onto her plate. She can't help but smile back at him.

Daisy Lily PotterWhere stories live. Discover now