Chapter Seven

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The days pass and soon enough February 14th comes around. Also known as Valentines Day. Daisy wasn't sure if Valentines Day even existed in the Wizarding World. Surely a holiday with such a silly goal of romance was purely a muggle thing. Right? Wrong! When Daisy, Ginny, Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked into the great hall that morning for breakfast they were met with pink everywhere. It literally looked as though pink had thrown up in the Great Hall!

"Bloody Hell!" Ron exclaims as they all take in the large pink flowers adorning the entire Great Hall. Pink and blue heart shaped confetti falls from seemingly nowhere. Daisy and Hermione look up to see the ceiling is no longer a dark, gloomy color but is now a pale blue. The girls look to each other with furrowed brows, just as an overexcited Lockhart jumps in front of them. All their eyes widen at his pink suit.

"Professor?" Daisy finally piped up seeing as nobody else would. "What's going on?"

"Well it's Valentines Day of course!" He exclaims as if she had forgotten the most important day of the year. Although in his mind she very well might have. "I thought with everyone so worried over the Chamber of Secrets- not that any of you should worry about it- we could all use a moral booster."

"It's pink everywhere." Ron says in distaste

"It's a lovely thought Professor." Daisy says quickly in an attempt to cover up Rons hatred of the scene.

"Look-" Lockhart points to the right corner of the Great Hall "I've even hired Dwarves to dress as Cupid to send grams from students to other students... or teachers."

"That's amazing." Daisy gives him a wide smile "-and not at all offensive." She adds in just as cheery a tone and just as wide a smile as to not hurt the older mans feelings. They all stand there awkwardly. Daisy pulls on Harry's robes sleeve gently "we will see you in class Professor." She says kindly walking past him, pulling Harry along as a cue for the others to follow to the table. A cue which they all easily take.

"Nutter." Harry mutters to Ron as they all sit. Ron nods in agreement.

"He's really off his rocker!" Ron adds.

"I think it's nice." Daisy says as Neville comes in taking the seat on her other side "he's trying to make it a nice day for everyone."

"Why are there people with sharp arrows over there?" Neville points to the dwarves.

"They are supposed to be 'Cupid grams'" Daisy informs him "Lockhart is trying to give everyone a fun Valentines Day."

"You said it yourself! That just seems offensive to the dwarves." Harry points out to his sister.

"But with good intentions." Daisy says as she piles some fruit salad onto her plate.

"I agree with Daisy." Hermione piped up.

"Me too." Ginny says, talking in front of Daisy for what feels like the first time in months. Daisy smiles at Ginny sitting across from her, who just smiles back. 

"That's just because you three have a crush on him." Ron points out

"Do not!" Daisy exclaims

"He's so daft!" Hermione says at the same time.

"I don't!" Ginny also speaks at the same time.

Just as Ron goes to fire back at the girls, what seems like hundreds of owls come flying into the Great Hall. All for Lockhart. In this happening hundreds and hundreds of feathers fall dropping into the food.

"Gross." Daisy says small picking up a feather that had dropped in her water and looking at Neville, who wrinkles his nose in disgust. Only moments later, Dumbledore orders to evacuate the great hall. Causing for breakfast to be canceled.

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