Chapter Two

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Daisy took a taxi back to Privet Drive and to say it was a year from hell would be an understatement. She genuinely didn't think life could get worse than this. Petunia and Vernon has been much harder on her since Harry had left. Coming back to the house had been particularly trying.

"And just why should we let you back in! You went with the freaks! You freak!" Petunia exclaims as they stand in the kitchen.

"I had to go with Harry to make sure he would be okay." Daisy explains softly. Still wearing her kind smile. The smile that petunia hates as everytime she sees it she is reminded of her sister. "Should I begin working on dinner Aunt Petunia."

"Don't burn it this time." Vernon groans walking out of the kitchen with his newspaper in hand.

Daisy nods with her hands crossed in front of her, biting back a smirk knowing she won this argument. "Yes Uncle Vernon." She responds. Vernon rolls his eyes and plops himself down in front of the tv, where Dudley plays his video games.

The days went on like this. The Dursley's beating down Daisy over everything she did. However she never faltered. Her smile never wavered. And she remained patient and calm. A trait of hers that irked the Dursley's to no end. No matter how mean they were. She never gave into it like Harry did. She never let them effect her. At least she never let them see how their treatment effected her. The worst part was they wouldn't let her and Harry write to each other. She had hoped he'd come back for Christmas holiday but understood when he was a no show. It hurt her for a little while. Feeling almost as if Harry had abandoned her. But she knew that he had to be at hogwarts and that she was right behind him. Admittedly she was very against this whole magic thing at first. It just didn't make sense to her. How could they be magic? How could she be a witch and not know it? But she eventually warmed up to the idea. Especially now that Harry was finally home for the summer holiday and told her all about hogwarts. He told her about the castle. The classes. The professors. His friends. And Voldemort.

"Professor Snape is the worst! He hates me and I have no idea why!" Harry complains

"Well maybe he doesn't hate you. Maybe he just... I don't know maybe he has something else going on and took it out on you." Daisy shrugs laying next to Harry in their bed in Dudleys spare room. She's flipping through the pictures Hagrid have Harry of their parents. Since Harry's been home she flips through it every night before they go to bed. She can't get over how much the woman in the pictures looks like the woman in her dreams. If she didn't believe in magic before. She definitely does now. How else would she have been able to conjure up such a realistic image of her mother in her dreams? "Now I'm not saying that was the right thing to do. But it is a possibility."

"Maybe." Harry sighs although he doubts it "I still think he's a complete git though. I'm excited you'll be there this year! I hated not being able to talk to you all year!"

"Me too! But Uncle Vernon didn't want the owls to attract attention." Daisy shrugs. "Harry."


"You're going to think I'm crazy but... mum in these pictures. She's the same mum in my dreams." Daisy says to him and he squints his eyes confused.

"Dreams?" Harry asks

"Remember last year when Hagrid came to pick you up? Before he came inside... before everything. I told you how I dream about mum sometimes." Daisy explains

"Oh yeah." Harry remembers

"This is her. The woman in my dreams. They don't happen often so I couldn't be sure when you first showed me the pictures but I had another dream the other night and... this is her." She points to a picture where her mum is laughing.

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