Chapter Three

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The month at the burrow comes to an end faster than Harry would like. Daisy on the other hand is over the moon at the prospect of being at Hogwarts by in just a few short hours. Over the month her and Ginny have grown much closer. They are practically inseparable. Ginny is still awkward around Harry. So much so she even knocked over a bowl of porridge simply from Harry talking to her. Now the girls sit in a compartment alone waiting for their brothers to come in.

"Aren't they taking a while?" Ginny asks "they were right behind us."

"I'm sure they'll be along soon." Daisy says reassuringly although she can't help but wonder where they are herself. Her mind wondering back to what Dobby said about Harry not returning to hogwarts.

Suddenly the door to the compartment slides open and Daisy is met with the same bushy hair from the bookstore, "hello." Hermione smiles. Ginny waves and Daisy just smiles but secretly hopes Hermione doesn't sit with them. As soon as that thought comes however Daisy shakes it away knowing that that isn't fair. She doesn't even know this girl. "Have either of you seen Ron or Harry?"

"We were just talking about that." Ginny replies. "They were right behind us in the train station."

"What do you need them for?" Daisy asks a little to quickly.

"Just looking for them." Hermione shrugs "I was hoping to sit with them."

"Well you can sit with us until they come if you'd like." Ginny offers much to Daisy's displeasure.

"Thank you." Hermione says brightly and takes a seat beside Daisy. "So are you guys ready for your first year?"

"Yes! I'm so excited to finally be going!" Ginny says "I can't wait to meet Peeves. Fred and George have told me all about him."

"Peeves is such a pest!" Hermione groans in distaste and Daisy has to resist the urge to roll her eyes. "What about you Dais?" Hermione nudges Daisy's shoulder with her own playfully.

"Daisy." Daisy corrects "yeah I'm excited to finally be with my brother." Hermione's smile slightly wavers at Daisy's curt tone. Suddenly they feel the train begin to move and Daisy's eyes widen. "Wait but the boys still aren't here!"

"What do we do?" Ginny asks worried.

"Let's wait a while. Maybe they got held up talking to some friends in another compartment." Hermione suggests and the girls sit in awkward silence for a long while. After about an hour Hermione and Ginny start making polite conversation but Daisy stays quiet.

After three hours Daisy finally breaks, "Maybe they got another compartment and just couldn't find us." Daisy says trying to talk herself down. "I'm gonna go look for Harry." Daisy stands up and Ginny nods in agreement standing as well.

"I'll help." Hermione says standing up.

"Great." Daisy gives a tight lipped smile.

"I'll go this way." Ginny points to one side of the train as the girls stand in the corridor of the train. "I think I saw my other brothers go this way and maybe that's where Harry and Ron sat? You guys try that way." Daisy tries not to show her displeasure at being stuck with Hermione as they walk down the trains aisle.

"I know Harry is excited to have you here this year." Hermione starts up a conversation "he was so worried about you last year with your aunt and uncle all alone."

Daisy suddenly stops and looks to Hermione, "what did he tell you?"

Hermione seeing that she may have struck a nerve tries to keep her answer concise, "not much. Just that they aren't very good people."

Daisy Lily PotterWhere stories live. Discover now