Chapter 1

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"Look's like you got some good stuff here" Manson said as he entered the cabin unannounced and inspected the table of riches.

Nero slammed the door shut and gave Manson the death stare,

"That's what Akira got. Mine is here" Nero grimaced and threw his small, clothed pouch on the table.

Manson looked down at the small bag of coins and burst into fits of laughter,

"Where's the rest?" He snorted, holding his stomach as he tried to get his breath back.

Nero was not amused.

His steely gaze went from Akira to Manson before he couldn't take anymore jibbing.

He slammed his oversized fist on the table and grabbed Manson by the throat.

Manson's five foot ten athletic build was no match for Nero's six foot six, stocky stature as he threw him against the wall and towered over him,

"Do you think this is funny?" He yelled.

Manson shook his head and tried to get back up,

"Stay down and listen closely" Nero continued and leaned over his cowering pack member.

Akira stood deadly still and refused to move from the spot she was grounded to as she knew that if she drew any attention to herself, she would be next to face Nero's wrath,

"Are you saying that I am not a leader because SHE brought home more than me?" Nero snarled.

Manson continued to frantically shake his head,

"No, of course not Nero. I was just joking around" Manson protested.

Nero gave him one more intimidating glare and stepped back, allowing Manson to stand up and regain some dignity.

"Get out and tell the others not to disturb me until the morning!" he ordered.

Manson looked at a terrified Akira and just nodded before making a hasty exit.

Nero gave a big sigh and sat on one of the rickety wooden chairs,

"Come here" he beckoned to his wife.

Akira took a deep breath and obliged her husband.

She cautiously sat on his lap and gave a weak smile,

"Why don't I start cooking and you can count up how much we have?" She nervously suggested.

She regarded her husband's stern face and held her breath.

He cupped her small face in his worn hands and kissed her quivering lips,

"Why don't you leave dinner for now and let's celebrate a successful night?" He replied.

He stood up and guided his uninterested wife to their bedroom and shut the door.

Akira stood at the door as her husband put his hands on her shoulders and guided her to the large wooden bed.

He pulled the rope from behind her head and watched her long, black hair flow down her back,

"Are you not tired from the job?" Akira tried but Nero ignored her and continued.

He started to undressed his wife and stood for a moment to admire her naked, slender five foot five frame.

A smirk form on his tanned face and he brushed her long, raven hair from her face.

A cool breeze blew through the slightly open window and Akira began to rub her bare shoulders,

"Get into bed and let's see if we can finally add another member to the pack" Nero ordered suggestively.

Akira reluctantly did as he asked and distantly accepted her husband's embrace, knowing that if she did not bare him a child soon, he would seriously question her role within the pack.

His grubby body banged and grinded against his wife's delicate frame as he roughly made love to her, letting her know his true purpose.

There was no passion, just determination to show he still had power and the ability to bear a child, in particularly a son, to take over the pack when he was no longer able to.

Akira closed her eyes throughout the process and tried to remember the first month of their union.

When their love was real and he would do anything to make her happy and she tried to transport herself back to that time to make it more bearable.

Luckily, she did not have to go through the ordeal for long as Nero was finished within five minutes and rolled over to settle into a deep slumber,

"I'm just going to get some water" She whispered to her snoring husband and cautiously walked towards the bedroom door.

She grabbed a sheet, wrapped herself in it before carefully closing the heavy wooden divide.

The room was nice and warm from the fire they left to burn before they went on their assignment.

Akira went to the table and gathered a few coins into a pouch she made in her sheet.

She went to the corner of the cabin and bent down,

"It'll be over soon" she whispered to herself and lifted a loose board in the floor.

Mud and branches greeted her hand before she carefully removed them to reveal a large dirty brown pouch.

She removed the string tie holding the bulging bag together and quietly added the coins from the table into it before quickly tying it back and putting the floorboard back in place.

"One more job. Just one" She confirmed to herself before she went to the window, smiled at the half moon and retreating back to bed.


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The 7 Deadly Sins - Lust (Book 1 of The 7 Deadly Sins Short Stories Series)Where stories live. Discover now