Chapter 6

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"Good evening, Madam. How can I help you? Withdrawal or deposit?" The keen bank teller asked.

He straightened his black tie and smoothed over the few grey strands that remained on his balding head as he admired Akira's beauty.

Akira anxiously looked back at the man waiting for her through the smeared window then back at the teller,

"Yes, a withdrawal but could you give me a moment?" She stammered and quickly went back to the entrance.

The banker shrugged his shoulders in bemusement and continued to count the money behind the counter.

Akira pulled in the door behind and stood at the doorway.

Quivering with nerves, she looked from left to right to check for witnesses and stepped closer to the extravagant stranger,

"Ready?" He asked and held his bent arm out for her to take.

She looked up at the helpful civilian then down at the floor,

"I'm sorry" she whispered and grabbed the man's arm with force.

The gentleman flinch in surprise at the strength her grip then gasped as he looked into her eyes,

"What are you doing?" He wheezed.

Akira held her head back and took a deep breath.

The clear evening sky started to cloud over and within minutes a new crescent moon rose.

The moonlight glimmered in her new enlarged dark blue eyes as the white of the eyes quickly vanished and made way for a new sinister dark glare.

Akira slowly looked back at the terrified stranger and held his trembling head in her other hand.

He quickly became entranced by her hypnotic stare and froze awaiting her command.

She regarded his emotionless expression with intrigue and presented a blank smile back at him like a cat observing a mouse before its about to pounce,

"With this touch, you are in luck. Lady of the night, hear my blight. You want a woman but this is not me, the lady of the night, will fulfil this need. Go with her and go with haste. You will forget me, with this taste" she breathed and slowly pulled his head towards her.

She cupped his ice cold face and glanced into his terrified eyes before softly kissing his lips and stepping back.

A black electric charge exited her mouth and penetrated his lips, creating blue veins that pulsated around his lower face and glued his mouth shut.

The man frantically grabbed at his mouth, trying to get it to open again as he groaned in terror but it stayed firmly shut.

Akira stood back and impassively watched the veins swirl and stab at her victims lips before vanishing into his skin.

Fatigued, the man gave up and steadied himself against a dimly lit lamppost.

He took his hat off to wipe his brow with a crisp white handkerchief from his lapel,

"Why is it so warm this evening?" He posed before looking at his trembling hands then back at Akira in confusion,

"Do I know you?" He asked, dabbing his face profusely.

"No, but you should - " Akira replied before stopping to catch her breath.

The man regarded her with puzzlement before Akira let out a piercing shriek and fell to the ground.

The frightened man quickly bent down to help her then jumped back in fright,

"What is that coming from your back?" He gasped and shuffled backwards.

The 7 Deadly Sins - Lust (Book 1 of The 7 Deadly Sins Short Stories Series)Where stories live. Discover now