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Hello there esther

How are you doing today?

I am doing fine thank you.

I am hoping one day to be in a nice relationship with a woman I am lgbtq and I am proud of it. Is a human thing to do with snow bear from from being with a man. I am also hoping to get married on real life and donate my eggs so I can let my genes go for other people to have kids.    I an also hoping to be three at the same time a nail artist and hair dresser  as well as best selling author.  

What are your hopes and dreams.

My family is doing well just talked to them on the phone and hour ago.

I have a friend help pick out a girlfriend for me because the last one cheated on me.  The on I met in imvu cheated on me which I didn’t appreciate.

Today I went to free everything store and got 2k worth of stuff for free and am happy with my catches....some cds, books and art not done buy me.   

Hope you have a good day or night


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