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Hello there Caitlin
How are you doing. I don't like very many bugs myself except for butterflies for the exact same reason as they are weird except for butterflies and moths the very interesting. But other than that every bug annoying or weird.  I don't blame you about the shark thing I wouldn't want to encounter one either and I'm not a big fan of aquariums unless I'm with a group of people but I do like fish I have a bad affairs at my house and I enjoyed reading it and cleaning it whenever I think about cleaning and feeding it I would say my favourite princesses would be Cinderella and Jasmine as well as Bella because you're a strong independent women. My favourite colour is actually pink blue purple and green. So there's something new I love Senate Gyptian board game that I got last year but I haven't played it yet but I am hoping to play it soon enough I am very interested in horror movies as well I love reading I am also an aunte as well just two boys and three girls.  We're both from my father side of the family my brothers side and I actually enjoy being around them whenever I can of this Covid what I am I love horror movies as well especially if they're based on true events or not doesn't matter address as long as they're going to story and they're gory and scary I'm good. A little bit about me is that I have PTSD and I have to be careful as to what I watch on Netflix I can't watch things about CIA or terrorism because it triggers me. As I was born in a war zone.   
I like stargazing I also like astronomy I also read a lot about astronomy and stargazing I also like to read anything and everything I get my hands on except for those two things that I mention that trigger me. Right now I'm reading a book called birthdays for the dead by Stuart Macbride.   He is a very good author but he's very gory so I'm just gonna warn you about that. I love reading to the point where it's an addiction. I also write on Wattpad and also on Amazon Kindle direct publishing and I also like to write on web novels I also do a lot of art and photography I'm not to go to about myself but I will try my darndest as well. How is it where you're living. I mean both without Covid and with Covid.  How are things
Hope to hear from you soon. 

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