Chapter 2

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"Who wants to go first?" Mr. Schue asked when we were meeting in 6th hour. We have to sing a song we wrote and later everyone would vote for their favorite song.

"I will to show everyone how it's done," Rachel said. Everyone rolled their eyes. I don't understand why. She seems nice.

"Okay. Go."

"There you rest 

With all the rest 

Of my accessories  

On my nightstand

You're red or yellow 

And like a good fellow

Sometimes you get lost in my mess 

But when schoolgirl pigtails won't do 

And I need to control my do 

You're the only one I can count on 

My headband 

You're my headband

Wrapped right around my melon 

You're a product like Magellan"

"Okay thanks Rachel, you can sit down now," Mr. Schue said. I could tell he was trying not to laugh. "Who's next?" he asked as Rachel sat down.

"I'll go," I said.

"Okay, great. Give it a shot," he said as I stood up.

(A/N I really did write this song so don't steal it)

"I know that it's impossible  

It's a dream that can't be real 

But when I close my eyes 

Everything disappears


Before my eyes my whole world changed  

I'm feeling great 

I can spread my wings 

Cuz my life is now what I dreamed

If I had a chance I'd take it 

If I could I would make it 

It's a happy ever after 

So chase what you are after


Ooh yeahh"

"That was awesome. You wrote that yourself?"

"Yes, I did," I said blushing.

"Wow. Um.. That was great. Next?"

I smiled. I sat down and looked over at Rachel. She was glaring at me. What happened to her saying that she hopes we can become great friends? Maybe she's not as nice as I thought she was.

"Okay, since no one else wants to go I think we just have two songs to vote for. Let's take a vote. How many for My Headband by Rachel?" No one raised their hands. Of course. I'm usually not that mean, but no offence but that song reeked. "Okay, since no one raised their hand Marissa's song is the winner."

Everyone cheered. I had a big smile on my face now. I'm the new girl and I already beat Rachel! I think I'm gonna like it here.

Rachel walked up to me. "If you think you can get away with taking away my stardom, you are so wrong," she told me. Wow, I was wrong. She's sort of a jerk. Oh well, there's got to be somebody nice in this club I could be friends with.

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