Chapter 9

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"Marissa! Congratulations," Mr. Schu said.

"I won?!" I asked. I jumped out of my seat. I was so happy! Everyone clapped for me except Rachel. Rachel looked so mad. Sam hugged me and everyone stood up. Quinn and Finn walked over to us. "Congratulations Marissa," Quinn told me and gave me a high five.

"Thanks Quinn," I said.

"Yeah, good job. Someone finally beat Rachel," Finn said.

"Arent you guys friends," I asked.

"Used to be. After Regionals we kind of stopped talking though because she turned into a mean jerk. Santana's still meaner though."

"Yeah, I can surprisingly agree with that."

"Everyone can. Did I ever tell you about the song she wrote about me when we were going out?" Sam asked.

"You know, we've been going out for a month but you never did mention that."

"Well she wrote a song about me called Trouty Mouth."

"Wow, that's.. That's horrible," I said but I tried not to laugh. That is mean but it's kind of funny.

"Yeah, I know."

The bell rang. "Well we better go," Quinn said.

"Yeah, we better," I agreed. "See you guys later."

Quinn and Finn walked away together and Sam and I walked away together, Sam's arm around me.

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