Deleted Chapter: Farmers Market (Unedited)

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Farmers Market.

Carrots. Carrots, and carrots, and more carrots! There were so many goodies around me placed on every available surface, such as carrot cakes, carrot muffins and carrot pies.

I was sure that I was getting intoxicated with so many carrots smells. 10 mitine goa I woke up to the heavy smell of carrots. With droopy eyes I was watching Merlin and Hans walk around the kitsch. Both men seem to be baking. There was a smile creeping upon my lips at seeing Merlin do such domestic housework. It was cute.

"Good morning" I yawned.

Merlin's head perked up from his chopping and gave a beaming smile. He only made me smile more. Hans also gave a smile over his shoulder but was cut off by Merlin.

"Good Morning Snow White"

Setting his knife down on the wooden table he went towards me. With a tilt of my chin he kissed my cheek. My heart was practically gushing at his attention. A shiver went through me as cold, orange stained fingers held my hand to lead me towards the kitchen table and sit.

"Where baking this morning to go sell at the farmers market"

"It's like 5 am" I yawned once more.

"Nothing sells more than Hans freshly baked goods"

"Mmm. That sounds scrumptious"

Sitting down I layed back onto the pillows and enjoyed the view. Merlin just moving around brought me pleasure. Especially if he was in the kitchen. Nothing was more satisfying than watching your suitor bake sweets.

Hans then walked over to me with a bowl of food.

"Good Morning mein Frau" he said as set down a bowl of...carrot soup?

"Thank you Hans, what outstanding dishes are you making this morning?"

I was finishing my carrot soup sleepily

Both men were copping, boiling, puraing. There was a goal here. To make a dozen pies, a dozen cakes, and two dozen cupcakes.

The kitchen was filled top to bottom with dozens of ingredients

I farm the carrots with some help of my magic, and even help prep around the kitchen while he does all the real cooking.

As I helped grate and mix bowls upon bowls of carrots. The morning went by quickly and it was soon 9. The wagon was loaded with Hands baked goods along with a stack of Merlins carrots.

I probably snacked on so many carrots I would soon be sweating out carrot juice. Hans decided not to go trusting us with his masterpieces. He gave me a pat on the shoulder and winked at me.

"I'll be there later with the men, don't worry. But you need some time with him. He's been going crazy not spending some time with you"

I smiled, grateful at his thoughtfulness.

As Merlin headed towards the wagon the author came out.

Author threw a small sack towards Merlin's head. With a late notice he called out for Merlin's attention.

Without even looking, Merlin coughed the bag and glared at the short prince.

"The usual"

With a nod, Merlin turned away from him and kept walking.

With ease, Merlin leaped up onto the high wagon and held out his hand. With an uneasy smile, I gave a shake of my head and ungracefully climbed into the seat. As a heavy woman, I already know I could bring Merlin back down from the wagon if he tried helping me up. It was embarrassing to have more trouble climbing to places when Merlin could do things with such ease.(use this in chapter 27?)

"Why didn't you take my hand?"

"I didn't need the help" a total lie, "So where're this farmers market?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "Not too far. Just a mile away or so."

Merlin snapped the reins and the horse started to move. The day looked a little grey but not enough to look like it would rain. Since I had always traveled through the woods I didn't notice the trail that we were currently on. I yawned due to waking up earlier than I usually do.

"You know you still have time to stay and sleep. I don't mind going myself, Iv done it before"

Giving a sideway glance I waved him off.

"Then I will never have some alone time with you. Besides this can count as a date can't it?"

He scoffed, "Please don't. Us hauling a cart full of carrots at the crack of dawn isn't the most romantic date in my book"

"Then what is a romantic date in your book"

Merlin paused for a moment in thought while biting his lower lip.

"Well...I have a few in mind but would rather not share"

I nodded but then thought about his exes, wondering if he would use the same ones.

"Is this book full of past idea dates you had with you'r exes"

He rolled his eyes.

"No that would be Authors Book"

"How many exes has he had?"

"More exes than you've had cupcakes"

My eye browser rose in surprise, "That's a lot of cupcakes"

Before long Merlin and I arrived in a busy little town. Children were running around dogging friends. Mothers were yelling at their children while simultaneously buying goods. Young ladies were flirting with young merchants while older men sat in chairs watching their suns struggle to speak. It was a beautiful farmers market. The atmosphere felt lively and so many smells wafted around.

The town wasn't bright with colors like golden good avenues. The ground had no white stones but instead gray gravel. There were no colorful banners or decorations. Instead everything I saw was ame out of wood. The only colors in town where those that the townspeople wore, and the vibrant colors that came from the

-It was raining. The town people were singing a beautiful meoldy. People were bare foot splashing colorful water all around. A circle formed so everyone could join hand sto parade around with flowers laced in every hair.

Yet me and Merlin stayed inside a little shop to stay dry. We wore hoods. Being known was a treasure. He held me close and I snuggled into him enjoying some rice atole. and he his hot chocolate. .

merlin and I knew this scene all too well in Fairytail land, this was a moment in time where two people would come together and something big and life-changing will happen. Somthin drastic were two lives will be rushed along. 

Merlin and I didn't want to be rushed through. We didn't want our lives to be pushed out of control. We were enjoying this time already. Just the two of us with nothing to rush us.

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