Y/n's abilities- side chapter

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The previous chapter may have been confusing for some of you, so I decided to explain y/n's abilities in more detail.

Ability 1- the butterfly dance

-y/n can let the air flow through her body, making herself quick on her feet and becoming faster. She can use this ability for mid and long term battles, because it doesn't require a lot of mana.

Ability 2- limitless

-by activating this ability y/n can analyze her situation better and figure out her opponent's weaknesses. The time needed depends on the opponent's strength. If her opponent is much weaker than her, she can figure out their weakness in a couple of seconds, but if it's a powerful opponent she needs more time, and there is a chance of failing, like she did in the previous chapter.

She can't use this ability for a long time, because it requires concentration and a lot of mana. Her ability works better on humans, but it can also work on creatures, as you'll see in the next chapters.

Ability 3- stealth assassin

-I'll start off by saying that y/n's body can produce a very powerful poison, named Botulinum toxin. It is currently one of the most dangerous lethal poisons in the world.

To understand how powerful this poison it, a tiny dose of this substance can kill a human in a matter of seconds. The substance is a green liquid that will circulate through the victim's body and kill them.

Condition in order to activate it: y/n has to touch her target with 5 fingers and concentrate the poison in her hand, in order to release it on the target.

Requirements/side effects:

-since the poison is very powerful she needs time to restore it again into her body, equal to 1 year. For short, she can rarely use this ability due to its power.
-this ability doesn't require mana since the poison comes from her body

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