let's bake a cake!- extra chapter

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"Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic."

I've been sitting on the sofa for the past 5 minutes, staring at the black haired man in front of me. It's obvious that he noticed, but he chose to stay quiet. Annoyed by his ignorance, I decided to break the silence and ask the question that's been on my mind since the moment he walked inside:

"What exactly are you doing here, it's Sunday and I don't recall having a meeting with you"

"I heard it's your assistant's birthday" he said, making a small pause. I raised an eyebrow, signaling him to continue "I thought you could use some help"

I didn't know if I should feel offended or flattered by his words. At this point I stopped wondering how he got this information, that only me and a few people from the staff know. Today is my assistant's birthday, as he said, and I'm planning to bake a cake for her. I want to put effort into this, and give her something I worked on with my own hands.

"I suppose you're trying to make a cake" I heard the hunter mutter, as he walked through the kitchen and looked closely at the ingredients

I got up from my spot, walking through the kitchen until I faced him

"I appreciate your help, but I'd rather do this alone"

The man eyed me suspiciously, then watched my attempt to make the strawberry cream

"you have no idea what you're doing if I had to guess"

"I'm following a tutorial so I should be fine" I said sighing, going back 30 seconds behind and trying to figure out where I went wrong

The cream wasn't resonating with me, I kept spinning the spoon but nothing happened. After a moment of silence, I felt someone's presence next to me. I looked behind and I saw hunter sung jinwoo waiting, with his arms crossed and an amusing look on his face. He was less than 4 inches away.

"look, you need to swing slower or else you'll assassinate that cream. I can help you with this, I have a vague idea about what I'm doing"

I took his offer into consideration and thought of rejecting it, but I ended up accepting. Doing this on my own would take me nowhere, so having someone guide me was the best choice. The kitchen staff offered their help, but I decided to give them a free day and deal with this on my own. I don't know if I should call this situation a lucky or an unlucky one.

Shortly after that I passed the bowl to sung jinwoo and watched him move the spoon around, until the liquid inside finally turned into a cream. All of my attempts until then were useless, so he was pretty good. The thought of letting him do all of the work didn't sit right with me, so I tried to keep myself busy by working on the decors.

"so, how is it going so far" he asked, coming closer to me

"pretty good, I'm actually done with the decors"

"you can come and help me then, I should be done soon, then we can put the cake together"

"alright, what can I do?" I asked, waiting for his orders

I realized that jinwoo was much better than me when it comes to cooking, so I decided to listen to him and help however I can.

"can you pass me the flour?"

I grab it from the counter and give it to him, watching as he works quietly.

"do you want to try as well?" he asked, giving me a side glance and continuing his task at the same time

No Longer A Heroine (sung jinwoo x reader) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum