After All these years PT.1

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Izuku and inko hugged as they cried. After 3 minutes they released the hug and wiped away the tears. By the time they released the hug, Bandages wrapped around izuku holding him tight.

Inko: Izuku?

Deku: Yeah mom?

Inko: I need you to come with me. The heroes and I need to investigate you.

Izuku:.... Okay.

Aiwzawa: that's it? No resistance? You're just gonna turn yourself in just like that?

Izuku: Yes. But first there's something I need to do. You can come with me if that makes you have suspiccions.

The heroes nod and then follow the young vigilante after putting his mask back on. They walked to an alleyway where a car was parked.

[ A few weeks ago he decided that he didn't want anything to happen to the car dusk got him and later on found this car in a junkyard while taking down a weapons deal]

[ A few weeks ago he decided that he didn't want anything to happen to the car dusk got him and later on found this car in a junkyard while taking down a weapons deal]

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Deku: Get in.

Inko: Is this Your car?

Deku: Yep.

Aiwzawa: how old are you?

Deku: 15. But I have my driver's license already.

Inko: O-okay.

The young vigilante then drove away to a neighborhood where he then turned left and parked in the driveway of a house.

Inko: You already have a house too?!

Aiwzawa: Kid where do you get all of this?

Deku: Oh I take the money from the drug dealers and criminals that try to sell stuff to other criminals and I use it to support us.

Inko: Us?

Deku: me, you, ochako's family, and...

Inko: And?

Deku: And your grand daughter.

Inko: my What?!

Inko and aiwzawa were shocked by what they just heard; A fifteen year old kid with a child. That was incredibly shocking to them, deku grabbed his house keys and unlocked the front door. He and the heroes went inside, the adults look around the home and were amazed of how deku lived.

Inko: Nice home sweetie.

Deku: Thanks mom. Eri I'm home.

Aiwzawa: Eri?

They then turned to the hallway where the heard footsteps approaching quickly, as if someone were running towards them. Deku got down on his knee opened his arms wide, and then a little girl with snow white hair and a little horn hugged him. Inko was watching in awe, seeing that her son had a child of his own. Eri released the hug and noticed inko and awizawa staring at her.

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