Chapter 13

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It’s been three days since Sakura had last seen Sasuke and talked with Naruto over the phone. Over the course of those days she has been working her minimum wage job. Nothing special really happened, but she did manage to flip her scrambled egg in the pan this morning. She didn’t even spill out the pan or accidentally fold it in half. She was quite proud of herself and texted her friend Ino, an image to show off her work. In her eyes it was truly a magnificent scrambled egg. 

Currently Sakura was sitting at the park sipping her coffee and scrolling through her phone with the utmost boredom. That was until her phone started to ring. The caller ID read Mom. Sakura raised an eyebrow at this. She and her mother were never really that close to begin with. Her mom rarely ever calls her. So it was strange to see her mother calling her out of the blue like this. 

Sakura picked up the call and answered with a curious “hello?” 

Hello.” Her mother replied awkwardly. 

“How’s everything going mom?” Sakura bit her lip in anticipation. 

She could hear her mother clear her throat over the phone. She knew her mother would always do that whenever she would get all serious and start ranting about something Sakura could care less about. Sakura internally sighed, already regretting picking the phone. 

Ignoring her daughter's inquiry she decides to get straight to the point. “Your father and I have decided to get a divorce.” Her mother bluntly stated. Not a hint of emotions in her words. 

“Oh.” Was all Sakura could reply with. Sakura expected much, she saw this coming from miles away many years ago. She honestly thought it would’ve happened much sooner. Though she was surprised that her father wasn’t the one telling her. They were especially close with one another and growing up she and her father had always told everything to each other. But then she thought about some more. Her mother was always in a rush to break the bad news, especially if it had something to do with her dad. Her mom saw everything as competition if it came to her father. It didn’t matter if it was ridiculous bad news, she would always feel the need to try and get the word out before him. Even if it had to do with their relationship. Which in most cases, it usually was. 

After a long pause her mother speaks, “Yeah─ Uh... I hope you have a nice rest of your day Sakura.” Her mother says and hangs up the phone before giving Sakura a chance to speak.  

Sakura rolled her eyes and gently brought her phone down to her lap. She looked up at the sky and breathed in the fresh air. 

“Gee, thanks mom.” She mutters to herself. 

All Sakura wanted to do right now is go home and sleep. She wasn’t feeling that great today either. She even considered taking the day off from work, but today she was getting her paycheck and she needed to go out and get groceries as well. I’ll get the groceries tomorrow, she thought. 

Her apartment was only three blocks away from where she was currently sitting. She sluggishly gathered her belongings and sauntered her way back home. 

Once she opened her door she kicked off her shoes and threw her items on the counter, then proceeded to the bathroom. She opened the medicine cabinet and popped open a pill bottle of benzodiazepines. She dumped a single pill into her hand and popped it into her mouth. After doing so, she made her way to her bedroom and threw herself onto the soft mattress, her head gently hitting the pillow. She turned on her back and stared at the ceiling. 

“What a shitty day.” Sakura mumbled to no one in particular. She laid there for about twenty minutes and that’s when the pill started to kick in and she began to doze off. 

Hello!! I know this is a short chapter and it’s very boring, but I wanted to tell a little bit about Sakura’s side of the story. If you're wondering what benzodiazepines are, it’s a sleeping pill and also an anti-anxiety medication. I’ll go more into detail with why she struggles to sleep so much later in the story. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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