Chapter 13

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Sorry guys been moving and I'm trying to be better about updating but I have a new part so please enjoy and thank you for being patient.

Tyler walked slowly through the dark night, brushing off his, now dirty, pants. He huffed loudly as he could finally start to make out the shape of a well. He walked slowly up the hill seeing the well clearer as he continued up the long path. 
Once Tyler made it to top, he looked down into the dark abyss of water that lied at the bottom of the well. He looked around to find that there was no bucket or anything that would hold the water.
Tyler cursed out loud as he started to feel defeated and as though he was set up. The young wolf looked around before sitting down in defeat. Before he could register his feelings, teardrops were running down his cold cheeks stinging to match the swell in his throat. Tyler was tired of always being at the “butt-end” of the joke, never feeling cared about, and never being able to feel that he was worth anything. 
After sitting in his pity party, he got up and decided to head home, regardless of the witch’s request. 
Tyler was done being a toy for people to abuse, he was done with everything and everyone. His mind continued to swarm with thoughts as he made is way back to his house, still carrying the jar of graveyard dirt, that he was able to retrieve. He sighed yet gain but this time with more relief in his tone as he got to his own front door. He opened the large wooden door before taking off his muddy shoes. He walked up the stairs slowly before opening his bedroom door, trying not to make a sound. He laid in bed grunting as his worn body hit the dark sheets.

“So do you think you can just disobey me?” a deep voice rang.

Tyler sat up abruptly making out the figure that was now standing in the middle of his room. Tyler studied Tristian’s face carefully before laying back down. 

“Answer me mutt” Tristian said shortly with irritation in his voice.

“You set me up.” Tyler answered quietly.

“No, you just didn’t try hard enough. You decided to give up instead of working for it. Did I not help you when you needed it?” he asked sarcastically with a now innocent tone.

“I didn’t ask for your help.” Tyler replied bluntly not even giving Tristian any of his energy.

“I gave it to you though, and now I needed you to help me…and what do you do?” he asked stepping closer to the bed, causing the floorboards to squeak. “What a shame of a pretty mutt, I thought that we could be close.”
He said now sweetly getting even closer.
“Get up.” Tristian said, tone changing once more.
Tyler didn’t want to move but before he could think he was standing up and face to face with Tristian. Tyler froze as he could now feel Tristian warm breath on his flushed faced.

“Yes?” Tyler asked with venom in his voice. 

“Come closer.” The witch replied shortly. Tyler obliged getting closer. Tristian quickly grabbed the werewolf’s mouth as he caressed Tyler’s cheek with his thumb.

“I could take all the pain away you know…you could be happy and have everything you want in life.” He said softly now looking into Tyler’s eyes.

“I don’t want to hurt anymore.” Tyler said
honestly with pain in his voice.

“Then I will give you one more chance, and you will be obedient and do what I want. Is that understood?” he asked roughly. 

Tyler responded with a quick nod as he shifted the weight from one foot to the other.

“Good. Now give me a kiss.” He said abruptly but without flinching. Tyler’s faced revealed his confusion before his cheeks turned a dark crimson. 

“I’m waiting...” he said with irritation.

Gulping, Tyler approached the taller man and leaned up giving him a long and slow kiss. Electricity rushed through Tyler’s lips as Tristan’s lips softly worked Tyler’s smaller soft lips. Before Tyler had time to enjoy the sweetness Tristian backed away.

“I expect that water by tomorrow” he said sternly before disappearing. Tyler’s head was spinning as he went back to his bed to sit down.

“I guess ill bring a bucket.” He said to himself before slightly smirking and laying on his bed, falling into a dark slumber. 

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