Chapter 11

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Tyler tossed in his sleep thinking about the loving, yet stern, words that left the witches mouth.

Tyler's pov

When I went home that night things were as Tristian said they would be. Bruce never remebered the fight and my father embraced me with open arms. The embrace was warm, unlike my father, with the smell of magic dancing from his muscular body.

The thought of the whole situation boggled my mind. One second I'm the outcast and black sheep, now my father is hugging me like I was the best gift he had been given.

The witch had done something I had longed for years. The approval and embrace of my father. It was odd though, it didnt feel real...I knew it technically wasnt. The only reason things were so diffrent was because Tristian had made them diffrent. This man I didnt know had changed my life and I shouldve been grateful. It's not that I didnt feel grateful...I just felt more...lust, something that wasnt very known to me. I had always been shy...or a toy or used. I wouldnt say this was any better but it was diffrent...and what I was feeling was...diffrent.

I woke up the next morning after tossing and turning. I couldnt help but long for the man who saved me. The man who was so cruel with his words of malice yet...gentle. On top of that Tristian ,his name in my mind like a warm bath, had saved me. The man who treated me like an animal had saved me...and kissed me.

The thought of his lips on mine made the blood in my cheeks make their way to the front as I could feel my face heat at the very thought of his touch. My wolf started howling as my thoughts continued it was only until I heard a cough at my door that I broke from my train of thought.

"Tyler it's time to get ready for the pack meeting." The voice of one of our maids, who was part of the pack, rang through the door.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back only loud enough so she would know and leave so I could get back to my thoughts, sadly though I really did have to get ready and wouldnt have time to think about the man who rescued me until after the meeting.

            In the great hall of the wolf pack.

"As you all know we have a very special moon coming up. It is a blue moon tonight and we shall celebrate!" My father, the alpha, spoke loud. There were happy murmurs around the pack about the blue moon. I however was in deep thought about everything.

"While we are celebrating we must maintain our exciment. Two full moon will also be a celebration for those....Witches."

The tone in my father's voice at the word caught my attention...I felt it...hurt me. As if my father talking about the species of the man who saved me triggered some anger deep inside my wolf.

"There will also be a hunt," my father continued "the teen wolves will go hunting in packs after the celebration of the blue moon."

I gulped thinking about it...hunting.  I know we were wolves but it was still the twenty first century.  I loathed the idea of killing an innocent creature when we already had resources, it seemed more like a sick game.

My father finished and we all joined for breakfast. Bruce was with his wolf buddies. When we were eating I could feel his glare. I looked into his eyes seeing a look as if in some weird way he had an idea that I had done something. The gaze was short lived as I excused myself. I had eaten and didnt want to be with everyone a second longer.

I headed upstairs to my room when I smelled something ravishing. My mouth started watering as my wolf howled wanting to seek out whatever smelled so delicious.  I kept going up stairs. The smell was so stong and I was on the hunt little did i relize the smell was coming from my own bedroom.

I cautiously open my bedroom door and saw nothing. No sign of anything just the lingering oder that I thought I would find.

I shut my door and turned around to see my looked so warm and inviting that I swear I whimpered.

"That was cute." I heard a low husky voice on my ear.

I instantly yelped and was meeted by a hand on my mouth and my body slammed into a hard chest.

"Dont scream mutt I wouldnt wanna have to go digging in other peoples minds again." Tristians voice rang through my ears.

I could feel my heart pumping quickly. He slowly released his hand and turned me around. His eyes were sparkling and his scent was magically, no pun intented.

"Tonight after the witches celebrate I'm taking you with me for the night. I have errands I need ran." Tristian said smoothly looking down at me.

"But after our celebration I have to.." I started but was cut off by a stern look.

"You will do what I say is what you have to do." He finished my sentence before I could say what I wanted.

"Bu.." j started but the glare was intense. I couldnt speak. I wasnt under a spell...just him...he was so...beautiful.

"I will see you tonight mutt." Is all he said before vanishing.

I stood there silently before cursing him under my breath. I jumped on my bed and just let out a needed scream into my pillow.

"Well this outta be fun..."

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