Chapter 4

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Tyler's pov

I walked through the store looking at the detailed list that Bruce had made me. I looked around the store only seeing the cashier, a witch no doubt. Funny about the cashier. No matter how much witches hated wolves they didnt give a shit as long as you bought something.

I slowly started grabbing the things on the list. These witches are so cool i mean there was stuff, all  sorts of stuff, even brooms and tarot cards. I looked around for fun and finished shopping. When i realized i hadn't looked at crystals. I looked around the store. Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Tigers Eye. I looked all over and couldn't find clear quartz.

I gave up and admitted defeat until i saw it. There is was a quartz as clear as air it was so sparkaling and pretty...there was only one was around someone's neck. Someone who was tall and quit muscular. I looked at the face of this being and it was magnificent...such beauty  for one person.

I knew i needed that necklace.. i had to get it to even be able to go home tonight. I looked up and waited for him to turn around and i went for it. I walked up to him quietly and went for the grab.The tall man spun around and grabbed my hand.

"What the fuck are you doing" he yelled his voice deep

"I i i was um" i started.

"You wreak of wolf." He said sniffing me.

Before i felt anything else i was pushed to the ground. I whimpered and moaned loudly.

"Oh look what we have, a little mutt" he laughed grabbing my throat.

I yelped.

"What are you doing here?" He asked gripping tighter.

"I i i need stuff" i said looking down.

"Look up at me boy! When a man speaks to you,especially a witch, you look up. Are we clear?"

I looked up with tears in my eyes and nodded.

"What do you need and why?" He asked looking me in my soul.

"I need stuff to be someones friend so my dad will let me sleep at home. " i said looking at him.

"Hmm well that makes no sense"...."so why where you trying to touch me?" He asked.

" i i needed your necklace...its clear as air... it is on the list of stuff i need" i answered truthfully.

"You're disgusting mutt...but you are cute. This necklace is powerful with it i can control anyone. "With this necklace I  could make you do whatever I wanted...I'll show you." As he finished his rant the necklace started vibrating and tristians voice took a low tone. I couldn't make out his words but all I saw was darkness as I blinked.

I instantly got dizzy and all i wanted was this man and only him.

"Now get out of here" he yelled throwing me.

I started running and didnt stop.

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