Chapter 12

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First off I wanna say a big thank you to L1zaster for helping me edit this chapter. Such a big help. I'm also gonna start writing this in third person pov. Enjoy the new part!

Third person

The night had dragged on for Tyler.  The noise of the party had been going on for hours into the night. The moon had come to the middle of the sky as he finally saw his moment to escape from the festivities. It was getting late and Tyler had started to fear the consequences of Tristian the later it got.

Tyler was suppose to meet Tristian but he had been caught trying to be anti-social and his father would constantly pull him back, until the alpha was drunk enough to not notice his presence, that's when Tyler made his way to the lining in the woods.  The air was turning cold and he was walking into the dark forest, only hearing his breath and the noise of the forest critters.

Tyler's breathing was heavy as he walked towards the smell of the magic that had been lingering in the air from the witch festivities.
Tyler walked cautiously in the woods hoping that no one would notice his absence and follow him. As the branches crunched under his feet tyler could feel the paranoia arise in his gut, the kind that made you feel like you were being watched from every direction. He looked up trying not to let his own heart beat startle him, until he heard another branch break. Tyler froze in place as he looked around. His eyes focused but couldnt see or smell anything off.

He resumed motion until he heard it again, this crunch being closer and louder. Tyler took a deep breath before deciding to make a run for it. He looked around once more before taking off into a run. The leaves and thorns of bushes hit him as he ran cutting his pale skin. He ran fast trying to seek out the magic smell before he was abruptly stopped by the root he tripped on. Tyler fell hard into the dirt scrambling to get up now panicked.

"Why are you running, mutt?" A deep voice rang through Tyler's ears. He was scared to look up at the sound. It didnt matter because soon Tyler was lifted up to meet Tristians now darker eyes.

Even in the dark Tristian looked beautiful. His shirt outlined his muscles and he smelled of pine,rosemary, and a hint of sage.

Tyler stared at Tristians lined lips. Tristians face was unreadable and Tyler was shaking knowing he would be pissed.

Tristian looked at his watch and then to tyler, his lips not parting. "You've been keeping me waiting mutt...and I dont like to wait" Tristian remarked getting closer to Tyler, almost closing the distant between the two.

Tyler went to defend him self with words but nothing came out..mostly because Tristian covered his Tyler's small mouth with Tristian's larger hand.
"I dont need excuses." Tristian commented looking at Tyler, his face becoming lighter as he starred at the werewolf boy.

Tyler nodded as Tristian slowly removed his hand.

"It's time to start your work" Tristian said calmly.

"My Its late." Tyler remarked in almost a wimper.

"I dont care what it is, when I say it is time that means it's time. Do I make myself clear?" He asked, voice now stern and lips thinned once more.

"Crystal" Tyler bit out almost sarcastically.

"Good boy." Tristian replied his lips now a mischievous grin.  "Now first ineed you to gather a couple of items. The first thing I will need is graveyard dirt. You will go to the graveyard near town and collect some. After that you will go slightly up the mountain till you find a well, this well is connected to a fresh spring from which you will get me water." Tristian finished gauging Tyler's reaction.

Tyler nodded and bit his lips.
"And then what..?" He asked quietly not meeting eyes with Tristian.

"And then you will bring them to me. Do not keep me waiting mutt." Tristian spat out lastly before walking into the woods leaving Tyler there.

Ok well how hard can this be..  Tyler thought to himself before looking towards the dark woods and making his way to town.

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