Chapter 1

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Tristans POV

Ohmmmm ohmmmm ohmmmm

I meditated sitting on my big pillow. The room was full of sage and was lightly dimmed with only candles lighting the room.  I could smell the harsh but warm smell of the sage as it cleansed my aura allowing me to fully relax. "Project" i said focusing on my breathing. I felt my energy surround my self but i couldn't get it.

This time i decided to lay down and try again. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes again  focused. Focused on my energy. My breath and only the sound of the beat of my heart and the blood rushing in my veins and everything good about life.

"Project" i opened my eyes to find myself looking down and my own body. I could see my self laying down arms crossed. I watched my self breathing. I saw my brown hair and my tall figure. I watched every motion and heard nothing but the silence of my own thoughts.

"TRISTAN!" I heard. I instantly opened my eyes to find that i was staring at the ceiling i was in my own body. I sighed disappointed that it only lasted a little while. I missed the feeling of being airless, and over all invisible.

"Tristan!!"my mom yelled again.

"WHAT!" I yelled back groaning at her annoying voice.

She walked in. She was short with sparking blue eyes. Thats where everyone says i got mine. Trust me though this women was evil, hair curlers and all.

"Didnt i tell you to take out the trash?" She asked looking me dead in the eye.

"Sorry mom i didnt know i could take myself out." I said smirking.

She shook her head and starred at me.

"And would you please stop stinking up this room with your sage? Soon it will smell like a damn wolf. I know it's cleansing but damn you dont have to deep clean." She finished shutting my door and walking out.

"Yep thats my mom."...

Let me tell you a bit about me. My name is Tristan and im 17 years old. If you haven't figured it out all ready im a witch. Now before you ask i do not wear a hat and no im not 6 foot 3 and have abs soo suck it stereotype. Anyways a little about my family. Its basically just me and my mom...sadly my dad has past but mom is also a witch and we live in a neighborhood that is full of witches...mostly because we are one huge coven. And i know what you're thinking "a whole neighbor hood of witches" now if you are thinking suburb you are wrong. We live in about 15 house that are just spread out. Every single one in this small small community is a witch and we all come from the original 13 women that began the first coven in our town of Magics Peak i know a town full of witches named Magics Peak how original right? Any ways these 13 women would practice secret in the night in the woods of the town...of course that was before the wolves came.

let me just tell you about there wolves they are fowl horrible creatures...mutts.

I scrowed at the thought of the dirty dogs taking over our sacred space for there filthy homes.

So now we are open and practice freely in our homes while the wolves rome free in their piles of dirt. I despised wolves, and so did all the witches. Long ago when the wolves first entered a witch fell in love with adalisha one of the head witches of the original 13....the mother of the wolf found out and had the witch burned....

Since then i vowed to never be near a help me goddess if any one of them crossed me id avenge my ancestors...

Omg do yall like it

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