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Lolade bent down to pick the stones around her feet as she heard Jesse chuckle. The chuckle seemed to vibrate and resonate in her whole body.

"Are you angry?" He asked.

"Angry? Why will I be angry?" Lolade asked as he chuckled again.

"I know you are angry" he said quietly as Lolade sighed softly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Lolade asked quietly, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Why didn't you tell me that you had such an important exam? You still even came to see me yesterday" Lolade added as she sulked.

"I even had to hear from someone else" she said again.

"I'm sorry" Jesse said as Lolade sighed.

"Where are you?" He asked as Lolade smiled.

"Don't even think of coming" she replied as Jesse laughed.

"Why? You are so mad at me that you don't want to see me?" Jesse asked as Lolade found herself laughing.

"No. I just don't want to disturb or stress you" Lolade replied.

"We both have exams coming and if anything, I know you still have more important exams.  I don't want to bother you" Lolade added.

"Ade, you are not bothering me" Jesse replied as Lolade smiled again.

"I knew you were going to say that" Lolade said as she laughed.

"Okay. So you are saying you won't see me till you finish your exams?" Jesse asked as Lolade pursed her lips and swallowed her saliva.

"En" she replied as Jesse laughed.

"Two weeks. Are you taking me into consideration at all?" Jesse asked and Lolade burst into laughter at his amused tone.

"Because of what you did, I'm not taking you into consideration" Lolade replied as Jesse burst into laughter. Lolade gulped lightly as she allowed him to finish laughing.

"So this is my punishment ehn? Really Ade?" Jesse asked his voice low as Lolade swallowed her saliva.

"Don't use that tone" Lolade said as Jesse chuckled.

"Its okay. Two weeks isn't that long" Jesse said as Lolade pursed her lips.

"Jesse" she called.

"What is it?" He asked as Lolade sighed.

"Can you trust me a bit more?" Lolade asked as Jesse went quiet.

"Can you tell me things so I don't have to hear from someone else and be confused? I don't like hearing your matters from other people at all. I don't like it" Lolade added as she swallowed her saliva.

She knew at this point, she was already passing her boundaries but it had been a while since she did anything that made sense to her. Trying to make sense of her actions was already more than futile.

"I'm sorry Ade. It won't happen ever again.  I promise" Jesse replied.

"And I trust you. Even more than you think" Jesse added as Lolade heard someone talking to him.

"You haven't eaten since you came back from school?" Lolade asked as Jesse chuckled.

"I slept off as soon as I came back. When I woke up and saw your missed calls, I called you back immediately" Jesse replied as Lolade swallowed her saliva.

"You didn't sleep overnight did you?" Lolade asked as Jesse went quiet.

"Don't even think of blaming yourself for that" Jesse replied as Lolade pursed her lips.

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