Chapter 7

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When Lily and Miley came downstairs, they ran over to Shaun and automatically hung on to him. "We should have a sleep over with everyone tonight!" Lily yelled and Miley agreed. "That doesn't sound bad." Shaun said looking at me. "Sounds fun. Mom? Will?" I asked them what they thought. "You know the rules Bri, no boys sleeping over." She said to me and all of us but Will and Miley looked at her like she was crazy. "Since when?" Lily took the words out of my mouth. "Since always." She said and we laughed. "I think it's a good idea." Will said and she ended up agreeing. "Call up the gang!" Shaun said and we all laughed.

"Can I stay tonight??" Miley asked so we decided to call Diggy and ask. Diggy asked and we invited him so he was on his way. Shockingly it was Shaun's idea to invite him. We also called Brian and Lexi. "Will you're about to meet Brian. He lives closest so he'll probably just run over here." I said as I went to the front door. Everybody watched me as I opened the door. Sure enough, Brian was running over. Will never saw this and started dying laughing.

"Hey fam!" Brian yelled and said hi to everyone. I introduced him and Will and Brian said the same thing Shaun said. We all sat down as we waited for Lexi and Diggy. Diggy came five minutes later and it took Lexi a while because she lives furthest but she made it. "Remember tonight, different rooms for boys and girls." My mom said and we all looked at her. "Nobody's gonna get pregnant." I said to her and she gave Lexi a look. "Hmm..." She added on and I had to stop her there. "Mom, can you stop before we just change houses tonight." I asked her the nicest way I could and she went upstairs. Will followed and we all started dying laughing.

After hours of hanging out in and outside of the house it was around 10. We decided to just order pizza because it was too late to cook. After the pizza came we decided to sit down and watch a movie. We watched the Spongebob movie for the girls. And secretly us. At the end of the movie, the girls were asleep on one couch, Brian and Lexi fell asleep on another one, and I was in the middle of Shaun and Diggy on the last couch. My mom and Will decided to go upstairs halfway through the movie. After a while of talking, all of us fell asleep.

Beep. Beep. Beep.
What the-
Beep. Beep. Beep.
All the beeping we heard woke us up.
"What is that noise?" Shaun asked, trying to fully wake up. Brian got up and looked out the window. "Moving truck." He warned us. As we all slowly got up, I noticed that Diggy and Shaun were cuddling opposite sides of me. Diggy noticed this too because we made eye contact and he quickly let go of me. When we all finally got up, Shaun went upstairs to use the bathroom. "Sorry." Diggy whispered to me and I giggled a little at the way he said it. He looked like a guilty puppy.

"Bri, come here! I can't find the toilet paper." Shaun yelled from upstairs so I went up. As I turned the corner going towards the bathroom, I saw a hand fly towards my face. Next thing I knew, the right side of my face was in pain. As I held my cheek in my hand I looked up to see Shaun putting his hand down. "I'm sorry. I just saw Diggy on you and it made me je-" He began to say as I backhanded his face back. "Are you serious? You did not just-" I tried to finish my sentence but he put a hand over my mouth. "Sh shh. I'm sorry." He said bringing me into a hug. "I just thought you were about to leave me for him. You know I love you right?"

I just looked up at him, complete anger in my eyes. I can't believe he just hit me. I pushed him away from me and walked to the bathroom to get a cold washcloth. "I'm sorry. Please don't tell anybody what just happened. I love you babe!" He said following me. "I won't tell them. But if they ask why you have a red mark on your face too you can come up with something for yourself. Hit me again and I might just kill you." I said to him as I walked downstairs.

"What happened??" Diggy yelled when he saw my face. Brian and Lexi weren't in the room. "Where are Brian and Lexi?" I asked him ignoring his question. "Lexi had to go so Brian went to bring her home. Now you have to answer my question, why is your face that red?" He asked touching my hand, the one holding the wash cloth, and trying to move it.

"Nothing, I'm clumsy I just fell into a wall." I told him, moving the wash cloth back. He looked at me with doubt in his eyes. Worst lie ever. But nobody needs to know what happened upstairs, I can handle myself. "Hey, did she tell you how she ran into me?" Shaun asked as he came down the stairs. "She actually told me that she hit a wall." Diggy said questioningly looking at Shaun. "I know my face is hard but you didn't have to call it a wall!" Shaun said, laughing.

"Haha" I said with a serious face, just glaring at him. I never said I was going along with his plan. He then walked in the kitchen for food. "What really happened Bri?" Diggy asked me as soon as Shaun left the room. "We just told you what happened." I told him as I began to walk away. As I went to the front door he grabbed my arm. "Would you tell me if he did anything to you." He asked me and I shook him off of my arm. He grabbed my arm again and wanted me to promise him that I would. "Why do you care? I'm a big girl I can handle myself." I said as I looked at him, wanting an answer. "I care about you I don't want you to get hurt. If he hurt you I would feel guilty. Like I let him do it." He looked me in my eyes as he said this.

I understood what he was saying, but I still didn't understand why he cared. He asked me again to promise him after the silence. "I promise. Now I need to go take a walk." I told him as I started for the door and this time he let me go.

As I started walking, the recent events kept going through my head. What the hell just happened? Shaun hitting me. Diggy telling me how much he cared about me. It was too much happening in like 15 minutes.

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