Chapter 10

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Brian's P.O.V.
~Two weeks later~
No body's been found in the Rapids. They declared Bri as dead a few days ago... You can imagine we're not really cheerful people at the moment. Lexie's been crying non-stop. She visits the bridge everyday and talks to the memorial that's been set up in her honor... Blue just like she wanted. Shaun's going crazy with his anger management stuff still because he refuses to believe that Bri's dead. He even took a break from football to comfort her family. Diggy's just been so silent about the whole situation. I've been a depressed mess. Crying, not talking, and I've been at the memorial a lot too. I've even gone down to the shore multiple times a day to check for a sign of her. Or just a sign in general.

The whole school even changed with the absence of Bri. There's an eerie silence in the hallways and our little group always gets the sympathetic looks or the "I'm sorry for your lose" 's, it's tiring... I just wanna know if Bri's gone or not.

Lexie's P.O.V.
"Bri... Wherever you are I hope you're okay. I won't accept the fact that you're dead, even if you truly are. I'll tell you one thing for a fact though, the group's not the same without you. Everybody's quiet. And not just our group, but the whole school. People walk through the halls with their heads down. The only person who isn't upset is Rachael but she's hateful anyways... She is trying to get with Shaun now. She tried to get with Diggy but he has a girlfriend now. Shaun really is trying to change though. He wants to be less angry so that you guys can work out when you get back. The guys told me about the argument you guys had, but Brian always gives Shaun an angry glare when they talk about it... I wish I got to ask you what happened. I wish I was still with you before the whole bridge thing. But enough about those people. Your family isn't the same either. I visit them a lot and so does Shaun. They did move to the new house but they have a room set up and waiting for you. Lily took your heart necklace and wears it everyday. Will sent out search parties for you and your mom joined them... Sorry Bri. I can't do this today... Brian will probably be here in a few minutes anyways so you can be harassed by him. But I'll see you tomorrow or the next day. Love you girl!" I said bye to my friend as I stood up. I noticed that Shaun was walking by as I began to leave.

"Hey Lex!" He gave me a hug before kissing the tips of his fingers and putting them on the picture of Bri that was set up with the memorial. This was followed by him saying sorry. He did that every time he went by the memorial. What really happened that day... "Where are you off to?" I asked Shaun and he sighed before telling me that he was on his way to anger management. "You?" He asked and I told him I was just going back home. "Well I'll see you tomorrow Lex!" He said after he checked his watch, I didn't wanna make him late so I gave him another hug and went on my way.

Diggy's P.O.V.
"Brooo!" Miley came downstairs yelling. "Yes?" I asked her as she interrupted the Netflix binge date that me and Charlotte were having. "Can we go by the memorial today? You promised me that we would go this week!" Miley is always asking to go to Bri's memorial. Miley loved Bri and then the accident happened... "Aren't you over that yet?" Charlotte asked Miley as she stood in front of us. "Aren't you tired of cuddling my brother?" Miley asked her back and I just sighed. She doesn't like Charlotte at all. And she makes it known... Constantly.

"Miley, we'll go later. I'm busy right now." I said as I motioned for her to move out of our tv view. "Diggy don't you understand that she was your friend and that friends should care about friends? If something happened to Lily I would be worried! If you didn't care about Bri ever in your life then you would never have asked about her when I went over there!" Miley yelled at me as she picked up the tv remote and threw it at me. "Go to your room or something you little brat!" Charlotte yelled. "Don't yell at my sister. Miley we'll go now but only for a little while. Charlotte you can come if you want to or just stay here." I ended the whole conversation and put my shoes on.

"Seriously?? We're gonna change our plans for this stupidity? I'm not going, I'll be at my house whenever you're ready to step back into reality." Charlotte said as she stormed out. "Happy Miley? Now I have to kiss up to her later so she's not mad." "Actually, you don't have to do any of that. Dump the freak! But do that later, now let's go." Miley said, rushing me out of the house. We walked to the memorial and got there within about 15 minutes. When we got there I got a weird feeling. I always tried not to think about everything that happened. The whole Shaun hitting Bri thing that day... Brian hitting Shaun... Then the accident. We both say there in silence... "What did you guys do before the accident? Lily said there was an argument." Miley asked, being too curious for her own good. "Yeah... There was an argument." I added as I kept staring at the memorial. She would've liked it...

I'm such a jerk... The day of the accident I was so worried about what Shaun did to Bri but then the accident happened and things changed. "Bro, if something ever happens to me, don't forget about me." Miley said as she sat next to the memorial. "Why would I ever forget you?" She just shrugged back. "You don't seem to care about Bri anymore." She added before she looked down at the water below the bridge. "Of course I care about Bri!" Even though I said that, it didn't feel real. Maybe I am changing... Can I really be blamed for that though? I mean everybody has their flaws. We can't all be sad forever now.

Shaun's P.O.V.
I entered the anger management meeting and signed in. It's usually the same people every other day. We're all short tempered but some more than others. I'm not the worse case but I'm not the best either. The only fun in these classes is that you get to hear about all the actual problems that are happening to people from school. "Today we're gonna talk about inspirations. You're all here for different reasons so let's hear em!" The guy in charge, Derrick, announced. As usual, they made me go first.

"Well... Most of you know that I have a mild anger issue. I started these meetings after I used a lot of anger towards my close friend Bri. She's my inspiration for continuing these meetings because I want her to see me for me and not just as an angry crazy person." I though I was done but apparently I wasn't. "Isn't she dead?" One of the other guys, Clarke asked and I just glared at him. "She's not dead, she's missing and when she comes back she'll see the new side of me." "No, I'm pretty sure she's dead. They declared her as dead. Get over it! A part of growing up is being able to accept reality." Clarke yelled back and I stood up, pushing my chair back.

"Clarke I swear to god, shut up before I kill you!" "Just like you killed Bri? What a coincidence that she died after an argument with you." That's when I lost it. I punched him in the nose and he fell to the ground. Then I was escorted out of the building. I began walking back home, kicking everything in my way. As I got to the bridge, I broke down. I sat by the memorial and started talking to Bri and apologizing for what just happened. "Bri, if you're alive I need a sign. Something from God letting me know you're still here. If you are gone... I need a sign from you." Just as I stopped talking it began to rain. If that was a sign I don't know who it's from... But I do know I should probably walk home faster before I'm soaked. "Bye Bri..." I said before getting up, kissing the memorial, and beginning my walk back home.

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