Chapter 5

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When we got downstairs, we all sat on the couch. Shaun and I sat where we were sitting before and Brian sat on the floor, blankets on each of us. Since me and Shaun were sharing a blanket again, we went back to cuddling. So now we were all watching The Hunger Games together, my pick. As we all started falling asleep, Shaun just played his music playlist on the tv. We all just sat there talking about life, another after-game tradition. "So when are you two gonna become official?" Brian asked us and we just looked at each other.

"I was planning on doing so tonight, but you guys distracted me. So I guess I'll ask tomorrow morning." Shaun said, kissing my cheek and I smiled. "Oh okay, this should be interesting." Brian said, nodding. "Well I'm exhausted, so I'm gonna go to sleep. But I can't wait for tomorrow morning." I said, laying my head on Shaun's shoulder and he kissed my forehead before I fell asleep.

I felt a soft breeze of wind on my face, which is what woke me up. When I opened my eyes, I noticed how close my face was to Shaun's. He must've already been up because he hugged me as I opened my eyes. "Good Morning lazy!" He whispered to me and we laughed. "I can never get any sleep!" Brian yelled, sitting up from his spot on the floor. "Shut up!" I yelled, hitting him with a pillow. "Ow! Why'd you hit me with the pillow?" He yelled and we laughed. "Bri, I'm gonna ask my question now. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me, playing with my hair. "Yes I will." I agreed and we both smiled. "Finally!" Brian shouted.

As we sat there laughing, we heard a noise from the kitchen. "... What was that?" I whispered and Shaun and Brian shrugged their shoulders. All of us stood quiet as Shaun got a bat that he kept near the TV. Then he slowly walked to the kitchen with me and Brian following behind, just to be nosey. Just before he stormed into the kitchen, he raised the bat. As he ran into the kitchen he stopped and put the bat down. All of us stood there facing a woman whose back was facing us.

"Mom...?" Shaun said and me and Brian stood there in shock. We know what his mom, Cathy, looks like but she was supposed to be on a business trip for another week. "Hey honey! My other meeting got canceled so I got to come home early. I decided to make you guys breakfast, I know how your game rituals are. By the way, I just wanted to ask to check... You and Bri didn't... Do anything... Did you?" Cathy asked as she turned around and I got so embarrassed. "No mom, we didn't." Shaun said to her and I could tell he was embarrassed too. "Good, you guys are too young to start a family." She said and I just wanted to hide. After a few seconds a silence, Brian laughed. "If you guys do anything, make sure I'm out of the room first!" He said, making things worse. "Um... I'm gonna go get dressed..." Shaun said, walking upstairs.

"Why don't you all get ready while I finish breakfast. Bri my clothes might fit you, you can check my room if you need anything." Cathy said and I thanked her as I walked upstairs. Brian also went upstairs to get ready. When I got into Cathy's room, I found a pair of skinny jeans and a blue T-shirt. After I finished getting dressed, I started going back downstairs where everybody was in the kitchen already. "Breakfast will be ready in a minute, why don't you guys go to the dinning room and I'll bring the food out when it's done." Cathy said and we went to the dinning room. As we were waiting to eat, my phone started ringing. I picked it up and answered it, not looking at the number just out of pure lazyness.

Me: "Hey."
"Hey Bri, how are you?"
I looked at my phone before responding. It was Diggy calling me.
"I'm good, you?"
We talked for a few minutes before he told me that he was having a party at his house tonight and that I was invited. After a few more minutes of talking, we said bye to each other. "Wh was that?" Brian asked and I told him. "What did he want so early in the mor-" Shaun started before he was cut off from his and Brian's phones. They both checked their phones then looked at each other. "Diggy just started a group convo with us and invited us to a party at his house tonight." Shaun told me and I told him about the phone call. "Are we going?" Brian asked and Shaun gave him a death glare. "It won't hurt us." I said to them. "I guess not." Shaun said as he looked at his phone again. Breakfast was ready and we all ate and went to the living room.

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