Chapter 6

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As I looked down at my phone and saw that missed call, I was getting ready to just runaway from home. I don't wanna call her back because I don't want to hear the yelling. I don't even remember what happened last night. But obviously Lily and Miley are safe. That's all that mattered right? I'll call her in like an hour and tell her that it was just a few of us and tell her about Miley. After I told Lily the plan, all of us went downstairs. "We should probably get Lily home." Brian said and we all agreed. "Bri, can Miley come over?!" Lily asked me while jumping up and down. "Diggy can I go?!" Miley asked Diggy with the same amount of excitement. We both looked at each other and nodded. Both girls saw that and began jumping around and yelling. "Bye Diggy!" Miley said giving him a hug and running to the front door. We all laughed and said goodbye to Diggy as he walked us out the front door.

When we got in the car, Shaun let Brian relax by driving, I sat in the passenger seat, and Brian was stuck sitting between the two little girls. As we started driving, the girls started questioning Brian. Shaun and I were listening to their conversation and laughing. Then, Shaun's phone started vibrating like crazy. We both looked down at it to see Rachel texting him.

Rachel: Hey
-How are you?
-Why haven't we talked recently?
-Are you okay?
-Why are you ignoring me?
-You don't love me?
-I thought we were like besties?
-Is it because of that slut Bri?

That's were Shaun drew the line. He picked up his phone and called someone, I'm assuming it's Rachel. And she answered after the first ring. Shaun put his phone on speaker, to stay focused on driving. "Girls cover your ears." Brian whispered to Lily and Miley.

R- Hey babe, long time no talk!
S- I'm not your babe, don't call me it.
R- So, did you get rid of that sl-
S- Don't even finish it. Listen you need to stop talking about Bri like that. She's my girlfriend and she's not a slut or anything that you call her! And if I hear you ever call her a name again or disrespect her in any way, I might have to hit a girl. And I will do it.
R- Girlfriend? Are you serious?
S- As serious as the tracks of your cheap weave showing Rachel. Goodbye.

Then he hung up. "Sorry about all tha-" He started saying before I kissed him. "Ewww!" Miley, Lily, and Brian yelled from the back. We looked back at them like 'really?' Especially at Brian. Then Shaun started driving again with a smile on his face.

After telling them to get over it, Shaun started driving again. Shaun dropped me off first and when I got out I gave him a kiss on the cheek and gave Brian a hug as he switched to the front. When we got to the front door I told the girls to remember the story.

As we walked in the house, we heard a different voice from our mom's. It sounded like a man. I told the girls to stay downstairs and go hang out in the kitchen so I could go see what was happening. As I reached the top step, I saw my mom with a bottle in her hand just glaring at me. "What's wrong with you?" I asked her as I took the bottle out of her hand. "It's not even 12 yet." As I said that I began to walk to the bathroom to pour it out. When I reached the door I noticed it was locked. "So there is a man in here?" I looked at my mom and she didn't respond. She just kept looking at me. "Where were you guys last night?" She asked me and I told her where we were. Again. "You never asked me if you could go. And you took my baby with you? Are you guys trying to leave me?" As she started her drunk rant I just laid my back against the wall. "Shut up already. If you weren't so drunk you would remember that I asked to go and bring Lily." All she did was stare at me.

After a while of silence I knocked on the bathroom door. "Hurry up and get out already." As I said that the door opened. "Who the hell are you?" The guy asked me. He looked like he was in his early forties and he didn't look as gross as the other guys I've seen my mom with before. He actually looked like he had a good life. "Sorry I was trying to freshen up." He said to me while putting out his hand. "I'm Will by the way. Nice to meet you." He said smiling. I was so confused but I shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, I'm Bri." As I said this my mother walked over to us. Looks like she freshened up when I left the room. "Why do you look so confused honey? And why do you have liquor in your hands?" She yelled as she took the bottle out of my hand. Wow. She must really like this guy. Shame he doesn't know she's a mess. Well I gotta go take care of Miley and Lily. I'll be downstairs. I said as I went back downstairs.

Still confused, I just sat down in the dining room next to the living room, where the girls were watching cartoons. After a few minutes, my mom came downstairs. "Lily honey you're okay!" She yelled and hugged Lily. Even Lily was confused. She turned around and looked at me. "What's wrong with her?" She asked me and I shrugged my shoulders. I wish I knew. Then Will came downstairs. "Lily honey I want you to meet Will, my boyfriend." My mom said while walking over to him. "Boyfriend?!" Lily and I both yelled out in shock before we looked at each other. "Yes and he wants us to move in with him!" She exclaimed and I just sat there in shock. "Is your house bigger than this one?" Lily asked and Will nodded and laughed. "I'm fine with it then." She said before turning back around and continuing to watch tv with Miley. My mom then turned to me and smiled. "How long have you guys been dating?" I asked them and Will told me it would be 6 months next week. What the hell? Lily noticed something was about to happen and brought Miley upstairs to her room. "Isn't this great?" My mom said to me and I still looked at them both in shock.

"We're gonna start moving you guys in tomorrow!" Will said sounding excited too. "What?!" I yelled at the thought of us moving so soon. "It's just the town over you can still go to your school." My mom said and I just stared at her. "I can't just get up and leave tomorrow." I said still processing everything. "We can and we will." She said trying to be serious. I automatically took out my phone and called Shaun, Brian, and Lexi. "Hey Bri!" Everyone said as they connected.
Me- Guys apparently I'm moving tomorrow. But to a town over.
Lexi- WHAT? You can't leave me!!
Brian- You can't leave US!
Me- I don't want to move. We're moving in with my mom's boyfriend. But I'll tell you guys that story later. My mom said I'm staying at the same school though.
Lexi- WHAT?! I REPEAT WHAT?? What did I miss this weekend? I miss one night and all this happens??
Me- Okay guys please stop yelling it's too early.
Lexi- Sorry... I just can't believe this.
Brian- Same.
Me- Shaun are you there?
Shaun- Yeah... Can I come over?
Lexi- I wanna come over too!
Shaun- I just meant the two of us. But I still love you Lex no hard feelings.
Lexi- Whatever Shaun. I'm coming over tomorrow!
Brian- Same!

As we said our byes it was decided that Shaun was gonna come over and the others were coming over tomorrow.

"I don't have a say in Shaun coming over? I don't want your boyfriend here." She said to me and I looked at Will then her again. "No, you don't." I said as I grabbed a water bottle and sat back down. Will and my mom were now sitting across from me. "I would like to meet her boyfriend." He said smiling at us. This is gonna be interesting. "I'm gonna go make some breakfast my mom told us as she got up. "So... How are things Brianna?" Will asked me trying to get read of the awkwardness. "You can just call me Bri. And things are good I guess." I said not knowing what to talk about with this stranger.

"Things might be awkward now but we have time to bond now." Will said smiling. Where did she find him? The door opened, releasing the awkward tension. "Who are you? Get out!" Will said standing up. I couldn't help but laugh. He's kinda short compared to Shaun. Shaun just looked at him. "Who the hell are you?" He asked looking at me. "Will that's Shaun, my boyfriend. Shaun that's Will, my mom's boyfriend." I introduced them before they tried to kill each other. Shaun looked Will up and down. "Where's your mom find him?" He asked and I giggled. "I thought the same thing!" I said as Shaun came to the table and sat down next to me. "The door was unlocked this whole time?" Will asked as he shut the door and came to sit back down. "He has a key. Each of us have keys to each other's houses." I told Will and he looked so confused. "Oh..." He said nodding. My mom walked out of the kitchen with stacks of pancakes and added on, "You could still knock you know. How are you hun?" Shaun looked at her in complete shock. "Did you get a new mother overnight? And what is this "hun" using?" He said confused. I just shrugged my shoulders. "Oh silly, you always make our days so fun!" She said putting down the pancakes and sitting back down. Then she called Miley and Liky down.

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