Chapter 13

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Bri's P.O.V.

Sally and Al told us the trip would take about two days, and it did. The trip felt a lot longer than it was though. But it was fun. I got to know Tony and Walker a lot more, maybe a little too much, and they learned more about me too. Once in a while we too little sight seeing breaks and took many pictures. Every night we stopped by the nearest motel, and I always ended up rooming with Tony and Walker and slept in the same bed as Tony again. We always woke up cuddling, but we got used to it. Walker would comment something dumb every time too. Now we were 5 minutes away from Brian's house. Why Brian's house? Because I wanted to make sure he was okay.

"So this Brian guy, is he like your boyfriend or...?" Tony asked and Walker teased him. "Are you jealous Tony?!" I laughed at Walker teasing him and told them that he was like a brother to me. Once the car stopped in front of his house I started crying. "What's wrong Bri?" Tony asked as he wiped my tears away. "What if he's not okay or alive? What am I going to do? He was my best friend." I started crying more as I talked. "We're here for you if anything happens. Do you want us to walk up to the door with you?" Tony asked and I nodded. I held his and Walker's hands as I walked to the front door. They let go of my hands once we reached the door and they both encouraged me before taking a step back.

As I lifted a fist up to knock, I felt like my body was about to just fall. I finally built the courage to knock and I sat there waiting for a response. I was getting more nervous as the seconds passed. "Coming!" I heard a voice yell from inside, it was his mother's voice. Then the door knob turned. Please let Brian be okay! She opened the door and looked at me in shock. "Bri! You're alive!" She yelled as she brought me into a tight hug. It felt so nice to see such a familiar and welcoming face. When she let go, we both looked at each other with tears in our eyes. "I-Is B-Brian okay?" I stuttered with fear in my voice. She nodded then said "He's fine, he was in the hospital for a few days after but he's good now. He's actually at your memorial on the bridge. You should go surprise him, but hurry I don't know when he's coming back." I nodded and smiled before telling her what I've been through first. "I'll see you later." She said as she hugged me again. "You definitely will. Tony, Walker, we have a Brian to go surprise!" I yelled as I ran to the truck and they ran after me.

Sally and Al decided to go to a restaurant after we left Brian's house and we toils then we would meet them later. As we got closer to the bridge, I had Tony stop the truck right before it. Too soon to be in a car over this again. I saw Brian sitting on the bridge next to a blue memorial. He kept his promise, both of them. "I'll be back." I said to Tony and Walker before I stepped in to the bridge. Okay, you can do this, no fearing the bridge, just run and stay away from the edges. I started running towards Brian and he turned towards me as I got closer, then I talked him. "What- Who is this?!" He yelled before I stopped attacking him. Once I stopped and let him see who it was, he brought me into a hug and we both started crying. After a long hug, we both say on the bridge. "Bri... I knew you still had to be alive! I'm so sorry for everything that happened. How did you make it?!" He asked and I told him about the past week. "Wow... Well we can take this memorial down now!" He said as we both got up and walked back towards Tony and Walker, with the memorial in hand.

We put the memorial stuff in the back then went up to Tony and Walker. "Guys, this is Brian. Brian, Tony and Walker." "We've heard a lot about you Brian." Tony said as they all shook hands. "Yeah, I hope all good things, I just heard a lot about you guys too. Thanks for taking care of Bri when I couldn't. I really can't show how thankful I am, if you guys ever need anything let me know." Brian told them and they nodded. "We have a few more stops if you guys don't mind." I said to Tony and Walker and they told me they don't mind. Brian joined us in the truck and caught me up on everything as we were on our way to Lexi's job. When we got to the store Lexi works at, we all ran inside and decided to buy things and stand in her line. (The order was Brian, me, Tony, then Walker) "Hey Brian, how ar- Bri! Bri! Freaking Bri!!!" She yelled as she ran to our side of the cash register and jumped on me, literally. After both of us catching up with each other, we decided to visit Diggy and Miley. Lexi would've joined but she had to stay at work.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2016 ⏰

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