Chapter 12

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Bri's P.O.V.
As I woke up, I noticed Tony was still asleep. There was a window with one of those seats like inside of it in the center of the room so I just went and sat in it. Looking outside, I examined the scenery. It was so quiet, but so peaceful. I can't wait to go back home though. I miss everybody too much. I miss Lily, Lexie, Brian, Miley, Diggy, Will, somewhat my mother, and I guess I do miss Shaun just a little. But not enough to cry over him. Everybody else though... I would cry over missing them. And I did cry... Tears began to roll down my face like a waterfall. A waterfall that I couldn't stop, so I just let them continue to roll down my cheeks.

"I know girls are supposed to be emotional and stuff, but is this what I'm gone wake up to every morning?" Tony asked playfully and it actually made me laugh. "Sorry... I'm just thinking about people. I miss my friends and family. Especially my little sister." Tony walked over to me and sat on the window seat too. "You have a little sister?" He asked as he wiped my tears and I nodded. "Her name's Lily..." "That's a nice name." Tony responded and I laughed at how awkward the conversation made him. "I'm sorry. I'm not usually like this in the morning, I swear!" He laughed and just shrugged. "It's fine. I would be emotional too. You've been through a lot. You're pretty strong." "For a girl?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "No... For anybody. I wouldn't have made it as far as you did." He said with a hand on mine. We shared a smile before the door swung open.

"Lucy, I'm home!" Walker almost whisper yelled before he stopped at the sight he just saw. "Lucy... Are you cheating on me? And with a girl?!" He cried out as he ran to Tony and hugged him tightly. I sat there laughing at his morning energy as Tony shook his head. "She's even wearing your pajamas Lucy!" He yelled as he slid to the floor, pretending to cry. "Ha ha Ricky Ricardo! I stole Lucy from you!" Walker looked up at me in shock. "Thank you... Thank you so much for continuing that story line with me!" He got up and hugged me, almost cutting off my circulation. "Can't... Breathe... Walker... Let.. Go!" I tried to make out in between breathes and Tony had to get him off of me.

"So what are we doing today party animals?" Walker asked as he sat on his bed, examining the new sheets. "We're gonna take Bri shopping and pack our stuff for tomorrow." Tony informed his confused friend. We told Walker my story and how we were leaving tomorrow morning.

    That shopping trip ended up taking all day, mainly because Walker wanted to show me around and Tony went along with it as we were dragged all over town. When we finally got back to Tony's I was exhausted. But I still had to pack, and so did Tony. Walker stayed with us as we packed and ended up sleeping over. After dinner, we went to Tony's room and I realized I took over Walker's bed. "Oh, I'll sleep on the couch, see you in the morning guys." I said as I was walking downstairs. "No, it's fine, you sleep in the bed." "But Walker, I'm the one that invaded your space, you stay I'll go downstairs." I argued back and Tony laughed at us. "Bri, you can sleep on the other side of my bed if you want, the bed's big enough for two. And you can put pillows or something in the middle of you want." Tony offered and of course Walker had to add a dumb comment. "Oh wow, should I leave the room?" I did end up taking the other side of Tony's bed but we didn't put pillows or anything up because I'm a crazy sleeper anyways, and I did warn him about this.

As I started falling asleep, all I could think about was starting the journey home the next day. I can't wait to be back with all my friends and family. The boys fell asleep in like 5 minutes of being in bed, and I finally joined them many minutes later. When I woke up, I realized 2 things. 1. Tony had an arm around my stomach as he laid on his stomach. And 2. This guys could snore. A lot. And very loud. I tried to move from under Tony's arm, but he had a good grip on my side. I started poking his face to try and wake him up, but he ended up just pulling me closer to him and laying on his side now. Now his head was lightly resting on mine. I really don't need his parents walking in and thinking something happened. "Tony.... Tony wake up." I started softly saying as I kept poking him. "Mhmmm... I don't wanna wake up. I can get ready for school later." He mumbled. School? Did he think his mom was waking him up?

"Tony. Tony wake up." I said a little louder as I started shaking him gently. He slowly opened his eyes and it took him a second to realize how he was holding me. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" Tony kept apologizing as he let go of me and sat up. "Umm, I'm really sorry, I should've warned you I'm a cuddler." He laughed and I laughed with him. "It's okay, I didn't wanna wake you but you have a pretty good grip and I couldn't get out." I said as he scratched the back of his head, looking embarrassed. "Yeah, I woke up in the middle of the night and took a picture of you guys. How adorable!" Walker teased, we didn't even realize he was up. Tony and I looked at each other. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Tony asked and I nodded. We both got off Tony's bed and rand to Walker's, jumping on him. "Ahh, stop it!" Walker yelled and we just laughed and laid on the bed, with Walker in the middle. "It's gonna suck when you leave Bri." Walker added after a moment of silence. "I'll have to make sure I visit sometimes. And you guys are always welcome to visit me too, I'll show you guys around and introduce you guys to everybody." I said to them before Sally called us all downstairs for breakfast.

After breakfast, we all got ready to leave, and yes that included Walker. Sally and Al led us in their car as Tony drove behind them with me and Walker.

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