Chapter One

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Bri's P.O.V.

I was hanging out with Lexie in the cafe before homeroom when the most popular boy in school, also our friend, Shaun, sat down at the table with us. "Hey boo, hey Lex!" He said to us. I don't know why but he always called me boo. "Hey Shaun!" We both said to him as we looked up from our phones and noticed this cute boy sitting next to me, and across from Shaun. Me and Lexie both stared at the new person sitting next to me. "Damn, calm down guys." He said to us, noticing us drooling. The new boy just laughed. "Hey, I'm Diggy." He told us and we smiled. "Lex and Boo?" He asked and we laughed. "I'm Lexie." She told him. I was still in awe. "And that's Boo." Shaun said and I corrected him. "I'm Bri." I told him. "Okay, I was gonna question Boo." He said and we all laughed. "I still don't know why he calls me that." I told him and Diggy looked at me, shocked. "So you two aren't a couple?" He asked and we told him no. He seemed pretty satisfied knowing that, which made me smile again. "Well then, don't look so happy saying that we're not together!" Shaun said, laughing. The bell rang, and we all got up. "Boo, your new crush is in your homeroom so you get some quality time with him." Shaun said, sounding a little disappointed. "You go girl!" Lexie said, and I glared at both of them. "Can you two be any more embarrassing?" I mumbled. "It's okay Boo." Diggy said, putting his arm around my shoulder which almost made me die. "That's my nickname for her!" Shaun said, walking away. "See you guys first period!" Lexie said, as we all went to our homerooms.

Diggy still had his arm around me as we were walking to our homeroom. "So, do we have any classes together Boo?" He asked me as we walked into homeroom. "I don't know, Bae, let me see your schedule." I said and we both laughed as we sat down. The rudest girl in our grade, Rachael saw me and Diggy and got furious. Jealousy is a bad thing. I thought to myself as Diggy handed me his schedule.

"We have six classes together." I said , fainting on the inside but playing it cool on the outside. "I have to get that last period changed so we have all seven together." He said, smiling. "At least it's 5th period, so we get to see each other at lunch still." I said and we both kept joking around. "I think this is a start of a beautiful friendship!" I said laughing. "Maybe even more than a friendship." Diggy said, making me blush. We both sat there smiling at each other before the bell rang.

We got up and walked to our first period class, meeting up with Lexie and Shaun. "How was homeroom lovebirds?" Lexie asked and we shook our heads. "Leave out details!" Shaun said, opening the door to English class. "Well, first she called me Bae, the we kissed." Diggy said seriously, reaching to hold my hand, and I joined in on his little trick. Lexie and Shaun looked like they were in shock. "Seriously?" Shaun asked and we laughed. "No, but I wouldn't mind." Diggy said looking at me and smiling. "Okay class, take a seat." The teacher said as we sat down in our usual spots. What a coincidence that our class was full so Diggy had to share a desk with someone.

"Sorry Boo but I'm stealing your boyfriend this time." Shaun said , making room for Diggy and we all laughed. While the boys had their own little quiet conversation, Lexie turned to me and freaked out. "You and Diggy?!?!" She squealed so loud that the who class heard it and turned around. In the silence, I banged my head against my desk. "Nice Lexie!" Shaun whispered to her. Everybody was still looking at us. "It's true!" Diggy said, walking over to me, getting on one knee, and holding my hand. "Yes. It's true!" He said, kissing my hand. I couldn't believe this was happening. Lexie started dying laughing while Shaun was just shaking his head. I just covered my face with my other hand.

Rachael, that rude girl, was obviously annoyed with this and said "Can we continue?" Jealousy is a bad thing. The teacher just shook her head, smiling, and said "Alight class, get back to work!" Diggy went back to his seat after her announcement.

Diggy's P.O.V.

I can't believe I just did that, but it was worth it. Bri is just amazing! "Bro..." Shaun said interrupting my thoughts. "Yeah?" "Bri doesn't really like attention..." Shaun told me. Now I feel bad, I did notice her cover her face when I did that. "But she was smiling!" I denied what he said. "Cause she was trying to be nice!" When he said that I felt worse. I should stop. "Oh, and she likes boys who don't share their feelings a lot." Shaun told me.

Shaun's P.O.V.

I don't care if I just lied to him. I've had a crush on Bri for 5 years now, but I'm too scared to say anything. "I should try to get her to like me this year, like more than I usually try." I thought to myself as I continued to do my work.

Bri's P.O.V.

That was cute, but embarrassing. I think I'm still in shock. "Stop." Lexie whispered. "What are you talking about?" "You're doing your crush sign!" She said as I looked down at me paper. "Shit!" I always draw hearts on my paper when I'm crushing. What if he sees this? The bell rang and I ran to my next class. "Bri!" Shaun, Diggy, and Lexi yelled out to me. I was the first one and the class and I sat in the back left corner. Shaun came running in after me.

Shaun's P.O.V.

Yes, I locked the door when I got to the classroom. But in my defense it was to make sure that Bri was okay. When I walked over to her, she was laying on the desk with her head buried in her arms. We were the only two in the classroom, so we could actually have a private conversation right now. "Bri, what's wrong?" I asked her. She slowly lifted up her head and giggled. She always has her weird emotional moments, but I know that giggle is covering something. But I love to see her smile. Those dimples. "You ran to class to ask me that?" She asked, still giggling. I nodded my head and she smiled before hugging me. The knocking and yells from the door interrupted our hug. "Bri... I wanted to tell you that I-" I started telling her about my crush but was interrupted by the teacher unlocking the door and yelling my name. "Damn!" I mumbled as I walked to the teacher. "What just happened?" Lexie asked as she sat next to me. "I don't know..." I said as I watched Shaun walk out the classroom door and to the principal's office. I texted him asking him what he was trying to tell me... No response, but he read it... I put my phone away as Diggy walked over to me. "You okay?" He asked me and I nodded my head and started giggling. "Oh god!" Lexie said and Diggy looked confused. "She giggles when something happens." Lexie explained to him, which made him worry more. "It's nothing. I'm alright." I said to them and got out my notebook for class. The last five minutes of class, I was really worried about Shaun. Finally, i got a text back from him. "Meet me near the first floor bathroom at lunch time." "Okay." I sent him a messgae back. I was very anxious until lunch. When the lunch bell rang, I told Lexie that I would meet her at lunch and I ran down stairs to meet Shaun. "Wait! Bri!" Diggy yelled out to me. "I'll see you guys at lunch!" I yelled back to him. As I got to the last few steps, I stopped running down the stairs so I didn't look crazy.

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