Chapter 4

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Brian and I got out of his car and walked into his house, where his mom greeted us. "Hey Bri, how are you?" She asked and we talked for a while before she had to go to work. Since we had two hours to waste before the game, we sat down and watched our favorite show, South Park.

30 minutes before the game, I got changed and we left the house. We got to the school 10 minutes before the game, and met up with Shaun, like we always do before the games. "Bruh!" Brian yelled to Shaun as we were walking to him. I just shook my head at them, they always find a way to make us look crazy. They did their handshake and Shaun gave me a hug. "You're wearing the jersey huh?" He said smiling and I nodded. "Sorry to break up the love but it's time to get ready for the game!" The coach said to Shaun as he was walking around rounding up the players. "Yes coach." He said before saying bye to us and winking at me. "Okay Juliet, let's go get our seats." Brian said and we both started laughing.

As we started walking up the bleachers, we saw Diggy leaning on the railing. "Hey." We said to him and he turned and smiled. "What's up guys?"he said, turning to us. When he saw the jersey, he looked so confused and aggravated, but he was still trying to smile. "Ready for the game?" Brian asked trying to ease the tension and they started talking about football. I understand football but I know how Brian gets when he talks about football. As we got to our seats, the whistle was blown and the game began.

By halftime, our team was winning, 21-7. "Yaass, they got this!!" Brian yelled as we got some fries to snack on for the rest of the game. "Hopefully, we don't need to deal with a depressed football team next week." I said and Brian nodded in agreement. Then halftime ended.

End of the game... We lost. 35-28. At least they didn't get beat bad. As everyone started leaving the stadium, Brian and I stayed, waiting for Shaun. Diggy walked up to us. "Too bad they lost, I really thought they had this, I gotta go, but tell Shaun I said good game. Bye guys." He said before walking away. Brian and I just looked at each other in shock. "Wow... That actually sounded real." Brian said and I nodded.

The team's huddle was over and we walked over to Shaun. "Hey bro, you guys did good." Brian said, even though we both knew there was no way to calm him down after they lose a game. "Yeah..." He said taking off his gear. We started walking to the parking lot in silence. "Who's car are you going in Bri?" Shaun asked me. We always go to his house after the games, win or lose. "You can take her, I'm tired of her." Brian said laughing and locking his car. "Wow Brian, I'm feeling the love." I said and we started laughing, Shaun even let out a little chuckle as he unlocked his car. Lexie and I were the only ones without cars because we just turned 16 and the boys were 17. "See you guys there." Brian said as we all got into the cars.

As we got into Shaun's car, Shaun put his phone down on the console and a second later, it started vibrating like crazy. "Wow Mr. Popular." I said laughing. I figured it was a bunch of girls texting him though, since he was popular and cute and a lot of girls are always trying to talk to him. "Can you check that for me please." Shaun said because he was driving. "Sure." I said picking up his phone. "Anything important?" He asked me as I was scrolling through the messages on his lock screen. "Not really... Most of its from Rachel. She wants to know if you wanna meet up later." I said, getting a little mad. It cheered me up a little a to hear Shaun sigh when I said her name though. Shaun knew I hated her and he was even a little annoyed by her.

"Can you text her back for me please." He asked and I nodded. "What do you want me to say?" I asked him hoping that he wasn't agreeing. "Can you tell her that I'm with the best girl ever right now and we're hanging out all night." He said smiling and looking at me. I smiled back before sending that to her. It felt like a dream, getting to hang out with Shaun and harass an enemy. Then she texted back and I was dying of laughter on the inside. "What did she say?" He asked and I told him how the conversation was going.

Rachel: Hey, good game! It's too bad you guys lost but you still did good. Wanna meet up later?😉
Me: Sorry, I'm with the best girl ever right now and we're hanging out all night. 😌
Rachel: Who??? 😵
Me: Bri
Rachel: Are you serious?????😒

Shaun started laughing, "I think that just cheered me up" he said and we both started laughing as we pulled into his driveway. "I should send her a snapchat of us, that would make her night." I said joking around and he actually took his phone out of my hand. "Okay." He said, taking a picture of us and sending it to her. "She's gonna be so mad." I said and we both started dying laughing as we walked inside. Brian wasn't there yet and Shaun's parents were out of town for two weeks, so we were alone in the house.

"Wanna watch South Park?" He asked me as we went to the living room. "Is that a trick question?" I said s I sat on the couch. After turning on the tv, Shaun sat next to me and after a few minutes, put his arm around me. When he did little stuff like this or holding my hands, it felt right. My phone vibrating interrupted my thought. When I looked at it, I saw it was a text from Brian. He ended up having to stop home really quick. "Brian had to stop at home really quick, but he said he'll be here in about an hour." I told Shaun. "I'm about to take a nap, while we wait for him. I'm exhausted." He told me and I could see the exhaustion in his face. I was tired too. It's been a long day. "Nap time!" He said, as he grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch. He always kept it there since we all sleep over after games. He put the blanket over us and I laid my head on his shoulder. He laid his head on mine and started falling asleep. A few minutes after, I was asleep too.

"Really guys! I would pull off the blanket but I'm scared to." Brian yelled while laughing at his joke and waking us up. "Why are you so loud?" Shaun asked and Brian just shook his head. "Lazy people. Always wanna sleep and watch South Park." Brian said and we all laughed. "Oh and you guys know better than to put blankets over the both of you without parental supervision!" Brian yelled, joking around. "Sorry dad." I said, laughing. "Anyways, let's get this Friday night started!" Shaun said, stretching from his nap. "I'm gonna change really quick." Shaun said, noticing that Brian changed into a pair of sweats and a T-shirt.

"Can I borrow some sweats?" I asked Shaun noticing that I really didn't think about bringing clothes. "No! But they're gonna be a little big on you." Shaun said and I giggled a little before saying "That's fine." As we walked upstairs, Brian made it so awkward. "Separate changing rooms guys!" He yelled to us and we shook our heads at him.

When we got to Shaun's room, he started going through his pants drawer. "Oh look, perfect." He said, tossing me his South Park fleece pj pants. "You're not gonna get these back." I said as I walked to the bathroom. "I will go to your house and steal my pants back. Do you need a shirt?" He asked. I knew he wasn't kidding about going to my house to get the pants back. Each person in our little group has a copy of everybody else's house keys. It might seem weird, but we do use them a lot. "Yeah can I borrow a tank top?" I asked Shaun and he tossed me a black one he had on his mirror. "Is this clean?" I asked him, knowing how he is he probably doesn't even know. "Yeah, I was gonna wear it tonight but I have a grey one that I can wear." He said and I thanked him before walking to the bathroom. As I was changing, I noticed that I now smelled like Shaun. That new cologne he brought smells so good.

As I walked out of the bathroom, I noticed Shaun's door was still open. As I walked into the room to put my clothes in there, I noticed Shaun was sitting on the bed shirtless. "Hey, sorry I didn't know you were still in here." I said , making him jump a little. "Sorry, I was just thinking about something." He said, still just sitting there shirtless. "The game?" I asked him and he nodded. I sat down next to him. "It's okay, the big game's next week, this was just a little warmup." I said, trying to cheer him up a little.

"You had one job Bri. To be my good luck charm!" He said and we both started laughing. He put his arm around me and we looked at each other. Then he kissed me. After about 30 seconds of us kissing, we heard a knock on the door. As our lips parted, we turned to see Brian leaning on the door. "Mhmmmmmm." He said, laughing. Before walking over to us and sitting on my lap. "Brian!!" I yelled and started pushing him off of me. We all just started laughing. "Okay lovebirds, can we get back to our fun Friday night?" Brian asked and we nodded before walking back downstairs.

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