CHAPTER 2: Defective

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~ Previously ~

You doubled checked the info before pressing confirm purchase, and were suddenly shocked by the mouse.

"OW!" You yelped, flinging your poor hand close to your chest.

You softly rubbed your fingers with a low groan as you looked back up at the screen.

Congratulations! Your order has been placed.


The quick pattering of tiny feet echoed throughout the dark, empty alleyway. It was accompanied by heavy breathing and mumbled obscenities.

"Shhhit!" A male voice said quietly, fear trembling within his words as he glanced back and saw a couple of fast-moving shadows not far behind.

"He's over there!" One of them shouted.

The male jumped, almost tripping over his feet. He tried to hold his body together and maintain his pace before gradually pushing his legs beyond their limits. He could feel the muscles stretch and contract with every painstaking step he took.

It better fucking be here or I'm screwed He thought before suddenly approaching a dead end.

As he came to an abrupt stop, the effects on his body caught up to him all at once. He bent over and gripped his knees tightly as bile traveled up his throat and splat onto the concrete floor. He took a deep breath and wiped his lips with the back of hand before straightening himself up again. His blue eyes briskly scanned the area until they fell upon a pile of stacked trash bags. He sprinted towards it and wasted no time getting over the trashy hill, grunting and wheezing as he did so. Once he reached the top of the brick wall, he frantically pulled out a lighter from the pocket of his overalls and lit it before dropping it onto the garbage bags. He didn't wait to see the aftermath; he jumped off the wall and rolled onto the grass below before taking off.


The small male's head turned to the right and was instantly blinded by the bright headlights of an oncoming car.

He didn't fret, though; he dropped onto the ground like a limp doll and allowed the car to pass over him before quickly getting up.

"C'mon, C'mon, C'mon..!" He proceeded to mumble to himself as he looked around the forest-like terrain he had now entered, feeling his legs about to give up on him.

Just as he was about to slow down, he spotted a bright light ahead of him that shone through the tall trees.

His eyes brightened and his legs began to pick up the pace again, adrenaline now coursing through his veins at the sudden sight of hope.

Once his feet were back on the pavement, he stopped to look up at the building in front of him.

Play Pals Toys The sign on the building read.

He sighed with relief and bitterness.

"Home Sweet Home." He said sarcastically.

"He's headed to the factory!" The small man heard from afar.

He gulped and observed the entrance to the factory, taking note of the two security guards that stood in front, allowing only the storage trucks to come and go.

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