CHAPTER 3: The Party

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~ Previously ~

"Maybe we can fix that. How's that sound?" You said to the doll, thinking of possibly touching up the doll using the various paints and art materials you had.

"I like to be hugged!" The doll simply said.

"I'll take that as a yes." You said with a smile before retreating with it to your room.


You picked up the necklace you had laid out on your desk and clicked it around your neck whilst you whisper-sang along to your favorite song, playing in the background.

You whirled around to the front of your tiny mirror that sat upon your dresser and looked over your fit.

You wore a (f/c) (favorite type of dress), matching jewelry, and a touch of eyeliner and mascara.

You couldn't help but smile a little at your reflection.

You weren't usually the confident type, but there was something about this look that made you feel strangely prideful.

Though, of course, you didn't mind---you enjoyed the unexpected boost.

You picked up a dark lipstick from your small vase of varying lipsticks and puckered your lips as you applied it.

You, then, put the lipstick back and rubbed your lips together as you watch on in the mirror.

Your eyes slowly moved to stare at the reflection of the doll behind you, sitting in the small chair you put him in---he seemed to be staring right back at you.

You softly gulped as you maintained eye contact with it for a moment before fully turning around to face it.

That doll really gave you the heeby jeebies.

You, unfortunately, had to leave it out of the box for a day or so---for drying purposes---and it prevented you from getting a proper night's sleep.

Sure, your good painting skills, along with a little stitching here and there, definitely helped to make the doll a little more easy on the eyes.

But you couldn't help feeling like it was almost kind of watching you at times; you'd even hear a couple of strange noises here and there, like as if it were squirming in the chair...

You shook off the shivers that had begun to tickle your body as you recalled the past nights.

It was just a doll, after all.

And it was going to be out of your hair within the hour, anyways.

You let out a small sigh of relief at the thought and slowly walked up to the doll, crouching down in front of it.

"I guess this is goodbye, huh?" You said to it, your eyes scanning its painted face.

The doll only blinked in response, making you tilt your head with wonder.

"Well," You began to say as you stood back up and picked up the doll, holding it out in front of you, "hopefully you make him happier than you did me."

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