CHAPTER 14: Coffee Shop

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~ Previously ~

There really was no getting rid of him.

Eventually, you slowly got up and dragged yourself over to your room, leaving the knife behind.

He watched on, disgruntled, and no longer able to fall back asleep.


"Okay, um, Possession."

"Possession...Oh-! By A.S. Byatt, right?"

A soft smile sprawled across your lips, "Yeah—you've read it?"

There was a brief pause as Andy turned slightly in his chair and cleared his throat, "I cannot let you burn me up, nor can I resist you. No mere human can stand in a fire and not be consumed."

A light blush filled in your cheeks as he said the line without breaking eye contact.

"Was that right?", he asked as he scratched the back of his neck, "It's been a while since I read that one."

You nodded and chewed your lip idly before saying, "I would've never pegged you as the type to read romance."

Andy shrugged, "I wouldn't say I'm a hardcore fan, but every once in a while I'll pick one up. If it interests me enough."

Your brows raised with realization and you slowly nodded again.

He innocently smiled at you for a beat before asking, "I take it you are, though?"

You let out a quick, small laugh, "I'm not a hardcore fan either, but I guess you could say I'm close."

Andy had turned to take a bite out of his bagel but hummed through the food mush to let you know he heard.

The sounds of a busy coffee shop filled the temporary silence as Andy continued to snack.

You had ordered a bagel for yourself as well, though you were going through yours at a slower pace.

Your fingers drummed along the cold marble surface as you subconsciously watched him.

You decidedly leaned closer and hesitated for a moment before blurting, "I just find it fascinating how they're able to convey romance like that onto paper. Some people can't even explain why they love their partners, and yet, they're able to write the feeling down to a T. You can literally feel the emotions they're describing—"

"Christ, you guys are so fucking boring!"

You paused mid-sentence and rolled your eyes with a soft sigh.

"Silence is better than this shit. God, what I would give for someone to tear my ears off right now...

The voice in your ear sure had a lot of opinions that you could care less about.

Andy turned towards you as he squeezed what was left of the bagel into his mouth, giving you a questioning look as he waited for you to finish your sentence.

Surely there'd reach a point where Chucky couldn't babysit you every single time you went out.

You just had to wait patiently.

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