CHAPTER 7 : Getting Out

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~ Previously ~

You swallowed and looked up with a pained expression, "My bladder will burst and mess with my other organs. If I don't get medical attention right away...I'll die."

Watching as his veiny eyes squinted at you, you began to sweat nervously.

Was he not buying it?


"You're making this shit up...never heard you talk about it before."

"You've only been here for five days---and it isn't exactly the kind of thing you want people to know about.", you combated, your voice strained.

He proceed to stare at you with immense suspicion, but he was quiet now.

Not knowing what else to do, you kept moaning and whimpering loudly.

Suddenly, he jumped off the wooden chair and made his way over to your desk.

He proceed to climb up onto the desk chair and promptly turned on your computer.

You watched on, amazed.

You knew he was still a person—sort of—but it was still surreal to see a doll using a device like that.

And he seemed to know what he was doing.

You couldn't exactly make out what he was reading—the computer was too far—but you could only assume he was trying to fact-check you.

Eventually, he turned around and gave you a conflicted look.

You were crucial to his plan, even though it wasn't completely formulated yet, and you dying would ruin everything.

"Shit...", he mumbled to himself before finally walking in your direction.

You felt an immediate surge of hope course through your body.

Your plan was actually working, you were going to get out of here.

He climbed onto the bed and started undoing the ropes around your ankles.

Once they were both off, you let out a gasp of relief and stretched your cramped feet out.

He watched on cautiously before moving on to your hands.

As he worked on your right, your eyes slipped over to his knife—the tip of the rugged handle was poking out of his overalls.

You were thinking of quickly grabbing a hold of it as soon as he released your other hand, but as soon as the idea popped up you shut it down.

Surely, he would be expecting you to do just that.

You had to try and catch him when he's off guard.

He must've noticed your long stare as he momentarily stopped his actions and roughly gripped your chin, bringing it close to his face.

"You might be my first choice, but that doesn't mean I can't go out and find a second. Got that?", He threatened in a low voice, his breath lightly touching your trembling face.

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