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A huge gust of wind blew through the barred windows, a small howl ' accompanying it. Shivering, you stop to zip up your sweater before proceeding with your latest art piece. You turn to look out the window and observed the empty playground across the street. After a moment, you look back down at your palette and dip your brush into the gray paint. Bringing the tool up again, you inch closer to the canvas and softly drag the brush from the top of the painted structure all the way to the bottom.

*Brrrr Brrrr* *Brrrr Brrrr*

"Shit!" You exclaimed abruptly, the sudden sound having made you flinch.

You huffed as you looked at your unfinished piece that now had a long streak of gray going down the middle. You threw your brush and palette on the table beside you with frustration and picked up the small phone.

Andy calling... The screen read.

Your throat tightened as your mind quickly reminded you of who this person was --- you didn't need a mirror to tell you were now beet red.

Ignoring that fact, as well as the uncomfortable feeling in your stomach, you answer saying, "H-hey Andy.", and tried to pose casually.

Not that he could see you anyway.

"Uhh...Hey, where are you..?" He asked.

You looked around as if you weren't sure yourself, "Home...why?".

"Home?", He repeated, confused, "But our presentation is in like twenty minutes."

You detach your phone from your ear like as if it had started to burn and look at the time, cursing yourself aloud. You were suppose to be keeping an eye on the clock, but you had let yourself get distracted.

You heard Andy chuckle softly on the other line, "I'll try and stall professor Hehner for a bit, get here soon, be safe."

"Shit, I'm sorry, Andy, I'm on my way now, thanks." You said in a rushed manner.

Once the call was over, you scrambled to grab your things and fled through the door.


"I'm thinking eighty five." Andy suddenly said once you were both out the door, casually stuffing his hands in his pockets. His baggy jeans made a brush-like sound as he strolled down the partially empty hallway.

A lock of hair shifted off your shoulder as you turned your head to the right to face him, "What?"

"Our score.", he clarified, his round, hazel eyes looking straight ahead, "He gave me an eighty five kind of vibe."

You scoffed and said, with the shake of your head, "We should be so lucky. My guess is seventy".

He glanced you from behind his shoulder, "Really? What gives you that idea?"

"He kept interupting us and asking stupid questions, taking up our presenting time. It's like he didn't care to hear the rest."

Andy waved a dismissive hand and smiled,"Nah, that's just Hehner. He's always been a real chatterbox --- can't stop talking, that guy."

You just gave the boy your meanest face in response, hoping it would be enough to show him that his jokes were not humoring you. He almost choked on the laugh that escaped him at the sight of your "threatening" look. However, he thought against making fun and instead threw his hands up to surrender.

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