Chapter-2 (WELL WISHER)

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Tears trickle down my cheeks, I feel
really scared at this point. Why is this
all suddenly happening to me.

"Hello." I say in a shaky tone.
"Hello Y/n."The same auto-generated
voice replies.
"Come on Y/n don't cry now, big girls
don't cry right? Now quickly wipe
your tears and put a smile up on that
beautiful face of yours. The voice says.
"Who are you? Why are you doing this to me?" I ask trying to stop crying.
I said stop crying." The voice says a little harshly making me quickly wipe my tears and put on a fake smile on my face.
"Good girl. I'm your well wisher, if you do as I say you will be absolutely fine. But my dear, if you don't obey each and everything I tell you to do you will be in deep deep trouble." The voice chuckles.

"What do I have to do?" I ask.
"It's a game, I say you follow. And for
now I'm telling you to be very aware
of your surroundings. Remember
I'm watching you." The call hangs up
leaving every hair on my body stand.
Shivers run down my spine. I drop the
phone from my hand hearing a loud
thunder strike.
The next morning I walk in my
college staying hyperactive of my
surroundings. I search for the person
behind all of this, it feels like everyone's eyes are on me. Pushing through the crowd I quickly run to my locker and take my books out. I run in my first class which is psychology. Sitting at my usual seat stare at the board blankly.

"Different mind behaves differently, not every human brain will react the same way to happiness, pain." The professor speaks.
Subconsciously my mind keeps going
back to the words that voice spoke.
When it said stop crying, the person
knew I was crying. As soon as I stopped the person praised me. The person could see me.

"The person could see me." I whisper
to myself and look down at my copy
which is filled with scribbles.
"Ahhh! Jimin! Fuck you make me feel
so good!" I hear my moaning booming
out of all the speakers in the hall room.
"Yeah baby you like that!" I hear Jimin's loud groaning.
Everyone turns to me as they all know
Jimin and I are dating. I pick my bag up and escape the room, embarrassment takes over me. The audio keeps on playing making people in the hallway whisper things about me. I barge in the woman's bathroom and quickly get in a stall. Loud cries come out my mouth when suddenly my phone rings.
"He-Hello, please make the audio
stop." I beg.
Suddenly it stops, it all goes silent for a moment.
"Y/n, now you know what humiliation
feels like right?" The voice asks.
"Please what have I ever done to you?"I cry out.
"You will soon find out. Now shall we
start the game?" The voice chuckles.
"What game?" I ask wiping my face.
"A game of dares. I will give you dares
and each time different ones. They will get harder with time. If you ever fail to complete one of my dares there will be consequences." The voice says to me.
I say silent for a moment, trying to
process all the information he just gave me.
"Your first dare is to take your thong
and bra off, oh nice black thong by the
way. Yeah so take them off and hang on the principle's office door." The
voice laughs
My mouth drops open hearing his
words, my cheeks heat up.
"How did you know I was wearing
black undergarments?" I ask in utter
"Like I said my dear Y/n, I'm always
watching. Now go and do as I say and if I see you didn't complete the dare you for sure by now know what I can do."The voice says in a warning tone.
"I can get expelled for this, please "I
get cut of as the call ends.
I gulp gathering all the courage I have. I take a deep breath and slowly slide
down the thong of my legs. Unhooking my bra I take it out from inside of my shirt.
Taking both the material I walk out of the stall and slowly walk out of the bathroom.
All eyes were on me as I make my way to the principle's office.
"Your moans are hot!" A guy yells and laughs with his friends.
I run away from there and stop when I reach the principle's office. I look around, to see if anyone's watching, when I see the coast is clear I slowly hang both my thong and bra on the door knob.
As I was done I sprint as fast as
I can from there and run out of college. The ringing of my phone makes me stop. I take it out from my pocket and hold it against my
"Well done Y/n. For today you're safe."

To be continued

Hey guys
please do vote and comment if you like the chapter....
Till than
Love you take care💜

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