Denture Time

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Victini: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour, we introduced the cast. Twelve original competitors mixed in with twelve new ones. We divided them into three teams of eight and headed to our first location, the Safari Zone in Kanto. What will the first challenge be? Will the new cast and the old cast get along? I sure hope not! Find out on Total...Drama...POKEMON!!!

(Theme song; safari zone)

Roselia: There's so much wildlife here. It looks beautiful!

Rockruff: I wanna swing from the vines! 

Victini: Patience. At least let me introduce the challenge to you first! Essentially, the Warden to the Safari Zone has lost his gold teeth. I've split it into two halves. The first team to find a half wins and gets to ride first class in the Total Drama Regional Tour jet. The second team to find a half will be safe but does not get to enjoy the luxuries of first class. The team to not find a half will be sending someone home tonight. 

Sneasel: We have to touch some old guy's teeth. That's disgusting! I demand you give us a different challenge right now!

Victini: Okay, how about do the challenge or I auto eliminate you.

Sneasel: Ugh, fine but I'm not touching it.

Victini: When I say go, you may begin hunting for it. On your marks, get set...wait.

Chatot: Oh my Arceus, what is it?

Victini: I forgot to give you shovels and metal detectors to help look for them. Okay, on your marks get set...

Pikachu: Why is our shovel broken?

Victini: GO!

Sirfetch'd: I recommend that we all stick together to- (everyone splits up) and they're gone.

Pikachu: Nice leadership. 

Minccino: Maybe it's not a bad idea though. If we split up we can cover more ground. 

Pikachu: Good call. Let's split into groups. Litten, Snivy and Kirlia can be one group.

Litten: (shocked) Litten, Snivy and who?

Kirlia: Me, silly!

Pikachu: Chatot and Cryogonal, since you're both newbies you can go together.

Cryogonal: I feel like this counts as discrimination against inexperienced players and I am highly offended.

Chatot: (sarcasm) Yes, how terrible.

Pikachu: Us three will look around here. You other two groups can...go somewhere else. 

Kirlia: Is Pikachu trying to make me suffer by pairing with that...that...abomination. I'm talking about Snivy by the way. Boyfriend stealer.

(Buneary and Sneasel are digging in the dirt)

Sneasel: I know I'm good at digging, but the dirt is sticking to my claws and it's really gross.

Buneary: Well you might be good at digging, but I'm amazing!

Krokorok: Shouldn't I be the one digging? (Smugly) I'm so swag and hip.

Ditto: Ugh, it's like Victini purposely found the most annoying people possible to compete.

Raichu: Are you doubting our amazing and incredible host? 

Ditto: A little bit. How are you electric types doing anyways?

Boltund: The metal detectors not picking anything up. I was hoping to at least find expensive metal, but no, can't even find that. 

Total Drama Pokémon: Regional TourWhere stories live. Discover now